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File name Yamaha-MD4SE-1 minidisk.pdf

MULTITRACK MD RECORDER SERVICE MANUAL CONTENTS DISCS FOR MD4S ······································································5 SPECIFICATIONS·······································································6 PANEL LAYOUT ·········································································7 DIMENSIONS··············································································9 BLOCK DIAGRAM·······································································9 CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT·······················································10 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE ·················································11 LSI PIN DESCRIPTION·····························································13 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM ································································15 CIRCUIT BOARDS····································································18 ERROR MESSAGES ································································23 INSPECTION SPECIFICATION ················································24 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART·············································30 PARTS LIST OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PA 011433 HAMAMATSU, JAPAN 1.93K-288 Printed in Japan '99.01 19981210-79800 MD4S IMPORTANT NOTICE This manual has been provided for the use of authorized Yamaha Retailers and their service personnel. It has been assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and more specifically Yamaha Products, are already known and understood by the users, and have therefore not been restated. WARNING: Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personal injury, destruction of expensive components and failure of the product to perform as specified. For these reasons, we advise all Yamaha product owners that all service required should be performed by an authorized Yamaha Retailer or the appointed service representative. This presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or firm does not constitute authorization, certification, recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principal-agent relationship of any form. IMPORTANT: The data provided is belived to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research engineering, and service departments of Yamaha are continually striving to improve Yamaha products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable and changes in specification are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the distributor's Service Division. WARNING: IMPORTANT: Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity you body may have accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground buss in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this buss.) Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit. WARNING: CHEMICAL
File name Yamaha-MD4SE-2 minidisk.pdf

MULTITRACK MD RECORDER PARTS LIST CONTENTS OVERALL ASSEMBLY ······················································································································· 2 MD MECHANICAL UNIT ···················································································································· 3 ELECTRICAL PARTS··················································································································· 4~16 Notes : DESTINATION ABBREVIATIONS A B C D E F H I J : Australian model : British model : Canadian model : German model : European model : French model : North European model : Indonesian model : Japanese model M O Q T U V W X Y : South African model : Chinese model : South-east Asia model : Taiwan model : U.S.A. model : General export model (110V) : General export model (220V) : General export model : Export model WARNING Components having special characteristics are marked specifications equal to those originally installed. and must be replaced with parts having ·The numbers in "QTY" show quantities for each unit. ·The parts with "- -" in "PART NO." are not available as spare parts. ·The mark " " in the remarks column indicates that these parts are interchangeable. MD4S OVERALL ASSEMBLY 210 520 390 330 520 410 230 520 370 320 130 520 20b 520 10a-1 10a-5 280 10a-3 260 60 490 500 380 10b 360 250 510 10a-4 10a-1 10a-2 10a-3 10a-4 10a-6 10a-1 10a 120 110 350 20c 180 520 520 520 410 240 520 600 220 530 450 140 520 190 30 20a 10a-5 310 300 50 460 90 80 100 520 400 200 290 520 400 2 MD4S REF NO. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10a 10a-1 10a-2 10a-3 10a-4 10a-5 10a-6 10b 20a 20b 20b 20b 20c 30 50 60 60 60 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 280 290 300 310 320 330 350 350a 350b 360 360a 360b 370 370a 370b 380 390 400 410 450 450 450 450 450 460 490 500 510 520 530 600 PART NO. DESCRIPTION OVERALL ASSEMBLY OVERALL ASSEMBLY OVERALL ASSEMBLY NX820350 Circuit Board V2715000 Knob D12 V2715100 Knob D12 V2715200 Knob D12 V2715300 Knob D12 V2716400 Knob, Push V2716500 Knob, Push NX820360 Circuit Board NX820370 Circuit Board NX820380 Circuit Board NX820390 Circuit Board NX820400 Circuit Board NX820410 Circuit Board V2799900 Circuit Board Mechanical Unit, MD XV350A00 Power Transformer XV351A00 Power Transformer XV352A00 Power Transformer V3331400 Cable V2932700 Cable V2932900 Cable V2933300 Cable V2933500 Cable V2933600 Cable V2910300 Connector Assembly CB040540 Cord Binder CB069250 Cord Holder V2712600 Bottom Cover V2712700 Sub Chassis V2712800 Holder, Main V2712900 Holder, Jack V2713000 Support, Jack V3346800 Shield, Input V3026600 Top Cover V2713300 Window V2713400 Cover, Jack V2713500 Button, Locate V2713600 Button Assembly V2713700 Knob, Shuttle V2713800 Knob, Jog V2714000 Button Assembly Button A Button V2714200 Knob Assembly Knob Plate V2714300 Knob Assembly Knob Plate V2714400 Button, Power V3210300 Shield

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