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Now downloading free:Conia M550

Conia M550 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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File name:Conia_M550.PDF
Size:718 kB
Model:M550 🔎
Original:M550 🔎
Descr:Owner's manual for Conia M550 DVD player.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Conia_M550.PDF

GONIA Operating lnstructions g CoNIA M5S z\-*-r\ F^.g,, VIDEO Saf ety Precautions A A The lightning flashwith an anowhead symbolwithinan equrlateral triangle is "dangerous voltage" intended alertthe userto the presence uninsulated to of enclosure may be of sufficient magnitude constitute to a withinthe product's that riskof electric shockto oersons. point is to Theexclamation within equilateral an triangle intended alert userto the (servicing) instructions the presence important of operating maintenance and in the literature accompanying appliance. the Zt\ml INIil RsouEoEPGooc NE EECTRTQUE Ir C A U T I O N : O R E D U C E H E R I S KO F E L E C T R I C T T sHocK, oo Nor REr\,lovE covER (oR BACK). Nr USEB-SERVICEABLE PARTINSIDEFEFEF S E R V I C I NT O O U A L I F I ES E R V I C E E R S O N N E I G P D WARNING: THIS APPLIANCE RAIN OR MOISTURE, TO DUE TO THE HIGHRISK OF FIREOR DO NOT EXPOSE ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT OPEN THE CABINETDANGEROUS HIGH VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT PEBSONNEL ATTEMPT INSIDE THE ENCLOSURE. SERVICE THIS. ONLYQUALIFIED SHOULD TO PREVENT ELECTRICSHOCK, MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOI ANO FULLYINSERT. VideoDiscPlayeremploys LaserSystem. prevent To to Vrsiblelaser radiatron This Drgrtal a direclexposure the laserbeam,do not try to openlhe enclosure. in when open and interlocks deleated. Useol controls adjuslments performance prmeduresotherthanthosespecilied or or of hereinmay resutt haardous radiatron expos{rre NOT STAREINTOBEAM. DO To ensure prcper us of this product, pls Ed this owH's manual fully maintenane, contact an authodzed sruie lGtion, or mntact us.only qualilied *ruie and retain ior ftJture referene. Should the unil require peenrel should remm the cwtr. CAUTION: CAUTION: FCCNOTICE: This equipmenthas been tested and foundto comply with the limts for a Class B digitaldevice.Pursuantwith the FCC Rules.Part 15 These limitsare in designedto providereasonableprotection againstharmfulrnterference a residential installatron generates,uses can radiate This equipmeni and radrolrequency energyand,rfnot inslalled and used in accordance withthe instructrons,may cause ,n lhis harmlulinterierence radiocommunicatron,However,this guarantee to rs no that interlerence nol occLrr a particular will installation.lf equipmenl lo receplron,which be deternrinedf,y ofl does causeharmlulinlederence radioor lelevrsion can turnrng erlurpmenl and on,theuserrs eDcouraged the to try lo correcl the interlerenceby one ol the followrngmeasures: - Reorientor relocatethe receivrng antenna. - lncreaselhe separationbetweenthe equrpment and receiver Connectthe equipmentinto an outleton a circuitdifferentlrom that to which the receiveris connected. radio/Tvtechnician help. for Consultthe dealer or an experienced FCC Caution Io assure contrnuedcompliance,(example use only shreldedinlerfacecables when connectingto computer or penpheral not expfessly approved by the party responsible compliancecould void the user's authorityto for devrces).Any chan

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