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Now downloading free:Akai Akai CT2570 CT2870 Compact D2

Akai Akai CT2570 CT2870 Compact D2 free download

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File name Akai CT2570 CT2870 Compact D2.pdf

MANUAL 1 Stereo module 69113789 1 CT 2570 UK Ident-Nr. 5436 03 00 RF-IF module 5829 02 58 ) CT 2870 UK Ident-Nr. 5436 03 10 Replacement When A Safety ordenng components parts list spares please in accordance quote item with and existing order number. When These ordenng components (sub-)assembks must only (modules), be replaced gwe the assembly component number parts in addition! regulations. by original CT 2570 UK Cab,net Front plate blind ""0 lid un,t Ikd 61128636 64172606 64110720 86870281 a681 10 06 a251 44 19 qrllle 6466 37 36 8642 0148 6214 $068 8624 47 10 78640221 A 59 ECF 00 X 01 SEL tube A 43622555 6141 0305 735128 A 45880524 coil 89.15~ 868172 43110715 73680196 8625 11 63 86251164 8625 48 09 a642 75 05 631536 la 15 46 CT 2870 UK Cablnet Front plate blind U",t Ild umt I!d 61122861 64172985 64110721 a687 02 a2 8681 1006 a251 44 19 grille 6466 37 36 a642 0148 qrey 62140959 8624 47 10 18640221 A 66 ECF 00 X 01 SEL tube for earthmq tube A 43622803 6141 0305 7351 28 48 8623 3140 A 4588 05 24 toll an. IOW 86817215 431107 43110921 7368 0196 8625 11 66 8625 1165 631536 86254809 a642 75 05 2.2 UF 100 V 342175 52 18 15 Loudspeaker Operatlnq Holder Loudspeaker Operattnq Holder for operatmq for operatmq Grille for mdlcator WIndow Pad Rear couer Holder Screw Picture for rear cover for pcture tube tube for lndlcator Grille for lndwxtor Window Pad Rear ccwer. Holder Screw Plcture for lndlcator for rear cover for picture tube tube Earth for plcture Sprlnq devtce Earth for pxture Spnnq Holder dewce for earfh,"q co11 Deqausslnq for picture cal Hook for deqausstnq Loudspeaker Holder Chaws Chassis Holder Plunger Matns Holder for loudspeaker conduct, co"duct. left rlqht Deqausmg Hook for deqaussmq Loudspeaker Loudspeaker Holder Chassis Chassis Mains Holder Plunger for loudspeaker conduct. conduct, pushbutton left right 4 S!. 10 w for STEREO-Modul pi" for RF module pushbutton for decoder 8625 47 07 for STEREO-Modul PI" for RF module c 3951396 Holder for decoder 8625 47 07 When re-ordering manuals, please quote the model name and part number. 66117924(104)S Picture and sound IF-adjustment 30 42 MHz. max. output 200 mV 5 5 MHz. dispersion k 15 kHz, f,,. Sens~t~v~ry 10 mV/cm 1 V/cm adjustable from 0 10 V Preparations: !&as voltage instrument to TZ 214 Check must be at the upper end of the co11 = 1 kHz U V 12 V i 10% at TZ 23 The cores Required measurmg equipment: sweep generator Wlfh marker tr="Smltte, SIgnal generator. Oscillograph: RF rectifier probe B!as voltage ,nstrument NO. Stage to be adjusted Test arcu~t 1. Sweep , gen. ",a 15 pF to TP 2 / (UHF tuner) approx I 300 mV TP 203/204 to Connect. oscillor. I Adjustment procedure ~ Oscillograms Remarks 11 UHF/IF filter Osc~llo. ",a probe to TP 101/102 Ampiltude 10 mV/cm See Fig 1 Adjust to max. amplitude and level roof with L 62and L 64 (VC and SC must have the same helghf) Bandwtdth can be narrowed wth L 63. I 12 UHF/VHF/IFfilter 1 Test c,rcu,t 1 Sweep I g en.

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