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File name Yamaha-M2500E-01 mix.pdf

M2500 MIXING CONSOLE SERVICE MANUAL M2500-56C CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS ... 3/5 DIMENSIONS ... 8 PANEL LAYOUT ... 9 CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT ... 16 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE ... 18 LSI PIN DESCRIPTION ... 26 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM ... 30 CIRCUIT BOARDS ... 33 INSPECTIONS ... 61/69 TEST PROGRAM ... 76/78 ERROR MESSAGES ... 80/81 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART ... 82 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS PARTS LIST PA 011484 1/2 M2500-24 20000220-850000 M2500-32 20000220-1000000 M2500-40C 20000220-1150000 M2500-48C 20000220-1300000 M2500-56C 20000220-1450000 PW3000MA 20000220-100000 HAMAMATSU, JAPAN 1.50K-5972 Printed in Japan 2000.02 1 M2500 IMPOR TANT NOTICE This manual has been provided for the use of authorized Yamaha Retailers and their service personnel. It has been assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and more specifically Yamaha Products, are already known and understood by the users, and have therefore not been restated. WARNING : Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personal injury, destruction of expensive components and failure of the product to perform as specified. For these reasons, we advise all Yamaha product owners that all service required should be performed by an authorized Yamaha Retailer or the appointed service representative. This presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or firm does not constitute authorization certification, recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principal-agent relationship of any form. IMPORTANT : The data provided is belived to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research engineering, and service departments of Yamaha are continually striving to improve Yamaha products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable and changes in specification are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the distributor's Service Division. WARNING : IMPORTANT : Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may have accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground bus in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this bus.) Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit. LITHIUM BA TTER Y HANDLING This product uses a lithium battery for memory back-up. WARNING : Lithium batteries are dangerous because they can be exploded by improper handling. Observe the following precautions when handling or replacing lit
File name Yamaha-M2500E-02 mix.pdf

File name Yamaha-M2500E-03 mix.pdf

M2500 CIRCUIT BOARDS CONTENTS MASOUT1 Circuit Board ... 34 MASOUT2 Circuit Board ... 35 MASOUT3 Circuit Board ... 36 METER1 Circuit Board ... 37 METER2 Circuit Board ... 37 METER3 Circuit Board ... 37 CTRL 1/5 Circuit Board ... 38 CTRL 2/5 Circuit Board ... 38 CTRL 3/5 Circuit Board ... 38 CTRL 4/5 Circuit Board ... 38 CTRL 5/5 Circuit Board ... 38 IN1 Circuit Board ... 40 IN2 Circuit Board ... 42 IN3 Circuit Board ... 44 IN4 Circuit Board ... 46 IN JK Circuit Board ... 47 IN PAN Circuit Board ... 47 ISRT 1/6 Circuit Board ... 48 ISRT 2/6 Circuit Board ... 49 ISRT 3/6 Circuit Board ... 49 ISRT 4/6 Circuit Board ... 48 ISRT 5/6 Circuit Board ... 48 ISRT 6/6 Circuit Board ... 48 MAS1 1/2 Circuit Board ... 48 MAS1 2/2 Circuit Board ... 48 MAS2 1/2 Circuit Board ... 52 MAS2 2/2 Circuit Board ... 52 MAS3 1/2 Circuit Board ... 54 MAS3 2/2 Circuit Board ... 54 MAS4 Circuit Board ... 56 MAS PAN Circuit Board ... 56 ST1 Circuit Board ... 57 ST2 Circuit Board ... 58 ST3 Circuit Board ... 59 ST4 Circuit Board ... 60 STJK 1/2 Circuit Board ... 60 STJK 2/2 Circuit Board ... 60 Note : See parts list for details of circuit board component parts. 33 M2500 MASOUT1 Circuit Board to METER1 -CN104 MATRIX OUT (5, 1) AUX/GRP OUT (A11/G6, A7/G1) GRP/AUX OUT (G5/A11, G1/A7) AUX OUT (3) CN321: (AUX OUT 326) MAS2-CN205 (AUX/GRP OUT A7/G1~A10/G4) MAS2-CN206 (AUX/GRP OUT A11/G5~A14/G8) MAS2-CN207 (GRP/AUX OUT G1/A7~G4/A10) MAS3-CN308 (GRP/AUX OUT G5/A11~G8/A14) MAS3-CN309 (MATRIX OUT 1~4) MAS1-CN101 (MATRIX OUT 5~8) MA
File name Yamaha-M2500E-04 mix.pdf

M2500 CTRL Circuit Board 2/5 CTRL Circuit Board 1/5 to MAS 2 -CN209 to CTRL5/5 -CN108 to MAS 2 to ISRT -CN210 -CN409 to ISRT -CN405 Component side to ISRT -CN406 N.C. to ISRT -CN404 N.C. Component side CTRL Circuit Board 5/5 to CTRL4/5 to CTRL4/5 -CN106 -CN107 MIDI CTRL Circuit Board 3/5 IN OUT THRU CTRL Circuit Board 4/5 to CTRL1/5 to CTRL1/5 -CN006 -CN007 Component side Component side Battery VN103500 VN103600(Battery holder for VN103500) to CTRL1/5 -CN108 Component side · Notice for back-up battery removal Push the battery as shows in figure, then the battery will pop up. · Druk de batterij naar beneden zoals aangeven in de tekening, de batterij springt dan naar voren. CTRL: 3NA-V431460 3 38 M2500 CTRL Circuit Board 2/5 Pattern side CTRL Circuit Board 1/5 Pattern side CTRL Circuit Board 5/5 CTRL Circuit Board 3/5 CTRL Circuit Board 4/5 Pattern side Pattern side Pattern side 39 M2500 IN1 Circuit Board to IN1-CN105 ISRT-CN212 NC to IN2 -CN202 to INJK-CN602 to INJK-CN601 to IN2 -CN201 to IN2-CN106 ISRT-CN314 NC Component side 3NA-V431320 1 40 M2500 Pattern side 41
File name Yamaha-M2500E-05 mix.pdf

M2500 IN2 Circuit Board to IN2-CN208 ISRT-CN203, 205 NC to IN1 -CN104 to IN3 -CN302 to IN1 -CN103 to IN3 -CN301 to IN2-CN206 ISRT-CN301 NC to IN2-CN207 ISRT-CN303, 305 NC Component side 3NA-V431330 1 42 M2500 Pattern side 43 M2500 IN3 Circuit Board to INPAN-CN501 to INPAN-CN502 to INPAN-CN503 to INPAN-CN504 to IN3-CN312 ISRT-CN306, 308 NC CN303: to IN4-CN401 CN301: to IN2-CN203 CN304: to IN4-CN402 to IN3-CN314 ISRT-CN313 NC to IN3-CN311 ISRT-CN206, 208 NC CN305: to IN4-CN403 CN302: to IN2-CN204 CN306: to IN4-CN404 to IN3-CN313 ISRT-CN213 NC to IN4-CN405 to IN4-CN408 to IN4-CN409 Component side 3NA-V431350 1 44 M2500 Pattern side 45
File name Yamaha-M2500E-06 mix.pdf

M2500 IN4 Circuit Board to IN3-CN305 to IN3-CN305 to IN3-CN304 to IN3-CN303 to IN4-CN406 ISRT-CN401 NC to IN4-CN407 ISRT-CN502 NC to IN4-CN410 ISRT-CN239 NC to IN3-CN315 to IN3-CN317 to IN3-CN316 to IN4-CN411 ISRT-CN315 NC Component side Pattern side 3NA-V431360 1 46 M2500 INJK Circuit Board to IN1-CN102 to IN1-CN101 Component side INPAN Circuit Board to IN3-CN310 to IN3-CN307 to IN3-CN308 to IN3-CN309 Component side INJK: 3NA-V431270 INPAN: 3NA-V431340 1 2 47 M2500 ISRT 1/6 Circuit Board ISRT 4/6 Circuit Board to IN4-CN407 ISRT 5/6 Circuit Board to ISRT 4/6 -CN403 to IN4 -CN406 to ST4 -CN405 Component side to METER to MAS2 -CN213 to MAS2 -CN211 to CTRL -CN224 to MAS1 -CN104 to ISRT 2/6 to ISRT 2/6 to MAS1 to MAS3 -CN234 -CN236 -CN103 -CN306 to MAS3-CN305 to ISRT 2/6 to MAS2 to MAS2 to MAS2 to MAS3 -CN235 -CN202 -CN203 -CN208 -CN307 Component side to CTRL -CN225 to CTRL -CN226 to CTRL -CN230 to CTRL 2/6 -CN220 Pattern side ISRT 6/6 Circuit Board Component side Pattern side to ISRT 5/6 -CN501 Component side Pattern side Pattern side ISRT: 3NA-V431470 1 48 ISRT 2/6 Circuit Board CN208: to IN3(L)-CN312 CN207: to IN3(*L)-GND CN206: to IN3(L)-CN312 CN210: to IN2(L)-GND CN203: to IN2(L)-CN208 CN202: to IN2(L)-GND CN201: to IN2(L)-CN206 to IN4(L)-CN411 to IN3(L)-CN314 M2500 to IN1(L)-CN106 CN216: to ST3-CN7 CN215: to ST1-CN104 CN238: to ST2-CN210 CN227: to STJK2/2-CN102 CN251: to ST2-CN206 CN252: to ST2-CN207 CN253: to ST2-CN208 CN254: to ST2-CN209 CN255: to ST2-CN208 CN256: to ST3-CN308 CN257: to ST3-CN310 CN258: to ST3-CN308 DCIN CN229: DCIN(1P) CN234: to ISRT 1/6-CN101 CN235: to ISRT 1/6-CN103 to MAS2-CN218 to ISRT 1/6 -CN104 to MAS1 -CN105 to MAS3-CN314 to MAS1-CN109 CN214: to ISRT3/6-CN312 to METER CN220: to ISRT4/6-CN407 CN228: to ISRT6/6-CN601 CN225: to MAS2-CN212 CN237: to MAS2-CN222 to ISRT3/6-CN309 ISRT 3/6 Circuit Board to ISRT2/6-CN209 to MAS3 to MAS2 -CN319 -CN221 Component side to ISRT2/6-CN214 Pattern side to IN1(R) -CN105 CN313: to IN3(R)-CN313 CN315: to IN4(R)-CN410 CN301: to IN2(R)-CN205 CN302: to IN2(R)-GND CN303: to IN2(R)-CN207 CN304: to IN2(R)-GND CN305: to IN2(R)-CN207 CN310: to IN2(R)-GND CN306: to IN3(R)-CN311 CN307: to IN3(R)-GND CN308: to IN3(R)-CN311 ISRT: 3NA-V431470 1 Component side Pattern side 49
File name Yamaha-M2500E-07 mix.pdf

M2500 MAS1 1/2 Circuit Board to MASOUT-CN321 to MASOUT-CN321 to ISRT-CN111 to ISRT-CN102 to ISRT-CN217 MAS1 2/2 Circuit Board to ISRT -CN219 Component side Component side to MAS2-CN201 to MAS3-CN311 to MAS2-CN215 3NA-V431410 1 50 M2500 MAS1 1/2 Circuit Board MAS1 2/2 Circuit Board Pattern side Pattern side 51 M2500 MAS2 1/2, 2/2 Circuit Board to MAS1-CN106 to ISRT-CN105 to ISRT-CN106 to CTQL-CN123 to MAS1-CN108 CN216: to MAS3-CN312 CN217: to MAS3-CN313 CN204: to MASOUT-CN321 CN206: to MASOUT-CN321 CN205: to MASOUT-CN321 CN207: to MASOUT-CN321 CN208: to ISRT-CN109 to CTRL-CN214 to ISRT-CN408 CN224: to MAS2 1/2-CN225 CN224: to MAS2 1/2-CN225 CN225: to MAS2-CN224 to ISRT-CN225 to ISRT1/6-CN151 CN226: to MAS3-CN329 to MAS3-CN315 CN222: to ISRT-CN237 to MAS3 -CN320 to MAS3 CN221: Component side -CN316 to ISRT-CN223 CN214: to MAS3-CN318 3NA-V431420 1 52 M2500 Pattern side 53
File name Yamaha-M2500E-08 mix.pdf

M2500 MAS3 1/2 Circuit Board to ISRT-CN107 to MASPAN-CN101 to MASPAN-CN102 to MASPAN-CN103 to MASPAN-CN104 to MAS2-CN219 to MAS2-CN226 MAS3 2/2 Circuit Board Component side to MASOUT -CN321 to MAS2-CN216 to MAS2 -CN217 to MASPAN-CN105 to MAS2-CN214 to ISRT-CN224 Component side to MAS2-CN219 CN305: CN324: to MAS4-CN401 CN308: to MASOUT-CN321 CN325: to MAS4-CN402 CN311: to MAS1-CN107 CN326: to MAS4-CN403 CN306: to ISRT-CN108 CN309: to MASOUT-CN321 CN327: to MAS4-CN404 CN314: CN328: CN310: to ISRT-CN221 to MAS4-CN405 to MASOUT-CN321 CN307: to ISRT-CN110 3NA-V431440 1 54 M2500 Pattern side Pattern side 55 M2500 MAS4 Circuit Board to MAS3-CN328 to MAS3-CN327 to MAS3-CN326 to MAS3-CN325 to MAS3-CN324 to ST4 -CN406 Component side MASPAN 1/2 Circuit Board to MAS3-CN303 to MAS3-CN302 to MAS3-CN301 MASPAN 2/2 Circuit Board to MAS3-CN304 to MAS3-CN317 Component side Component side MAS4: 3NA-V431450 MASPAN: 3NA-V431430 2 2 56 M2500 ST1 Circuit Board to ST2-CN202 to STJK -CN101 to ST2-CN201 to ISRT-CN215 Component side Pattern side 3NA-V431370 1 57
File name Yamaha-M2500E-09 mix.pdf

M2500 ST2 Circuit Board to ST1-CN202 to ST3 -CN302 to ST3 -CN303 to ST1-CN102 to ST3 -CN301 to ISRT -CN252 to ISRT -CN251 to ISRT -CN238 to ISRT CN209: to ISRT -CN253, 255 -CN254 Component side Pattern side 58 3NA-V431380 1 M2500 CN301: to ST2-CN203 CN302: to ST2-CN205 to ST4-CN402 to ST4-CN404 ST3 Circuit Board to ST2 -CN204 to ST4 -CN403 Component side to ISRT -CN256, 258 to ISRT to ISRT -CN257 -CN216 to ST4 -CN401 3NA-V431390 2 Pattern side 59 M2500 ST4 Circuit Board STJK 1/2 Circuit Board to ST3 -CN305 to ST3 -CN304 to ST1-CN101 STJK 2/2 Circuit Board to MAS4 -CN406 to ISRT -CN402 Component side to ST3 -CN309 to ISRT-CN227 Component side Component side to ST3-CN306 Pattern side 60 ST4: 3NA-V431400 STJK: 3NA-V431300 1 1
File name Yamaha-M2500E-11 mix.pdf

M2500 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE A Assembly 1 1-1 Meter Panel Remove the screws marked [210], [220] and [230]. The Meter Panel can then be removed. (Fig. 1) The type and quantity of the screws marked [210] and [220] are: [210]: 24CH:10, 32CH:11, 40CH:13, 48CH:14, 56CH:15 [220]: 24CH:7, 32CH:8, 40CH:9, 48CH:10, 56CH:11 2 2-1 2-2 MONO Assembly Remove the meter panel (See Procedure 1.) Remove the screws marked [160] and [180]. (Fig. 1) Lift the fader side of the control panel and then remove the MONO Assembly by pulling it forward. [160]: 40CH:21, 56CH:31 [180]: 24CH:26, 32CH:31, 40CH:26, 48CH:52, 56CH:26 Rear view (Bottom) [210] (Top) [220] [110] Side view [230] Top view (REAR) [180] [120] [160] (FRONT) [120]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 FMZN2BL (EP600190) [160]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 FMZN2BL (EP600190) [180]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 FMZN2BL (EP600190) [210]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 4.0X8 FMZN2BL (EG340190) [220]: Bind Head Screw 4.0X8 FMZN2BL (EG340360) [230]: Bind Head Screw 4.0X25 MFZN2BL Fig.1 18 M2500 3 3-1 3-2 MASTER Assembly Remove the meter panel. (See Procedure 1.) Remove the twenty [20] screws marked [120]. Lift the fader side of the control panel, remove the connectors and then remove the MASTER Assembly by pulling it forward. (Fig. 1) B Circuit Board 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 MONO Assembly Remove the meter panel. (See Procedure A1.) Remove the MONO assembly. (See Procedure A2.) Remove the following circuit boards by removing the screws indicated for each of them. (Fig. 2) Circuit Board & Unit IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 Ref No. 40 70 130 150 PARTS NAME Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL PCB Support CS-0305 KSS PARTS No. V3289800 V3289800 EP600190 EP600230 Q'ty 11 9 8 4 [40] [40] IN1 IN2 [70] [70] [180] [180] INPAN [120] [120] IN3 [130] [130] IN4 Fig.2 19 M2500 2 2-1 2-2 2-3 MASTER Assembly Remove the meter panel. (See Procedure A1.) Remove the MASTER assembly. (See Procedure A3.) Remove the following circuit boards according to the listed order by removing the screws indicated for each of them. (Fig3) Circuit Board & Unit ST1 ST2 ST3 Ref No. 60 90 150 140 PARTS NAME Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL PCB Support CBS-6K PARTS No. V3289800 V3289800 V3289800 EP600190 Q'ty 8 6 2 4 4 ST4 170 Circuit Board & Unit MAS1 MAS2 1/2 Ref No. 220 280 270 PARTS NAME Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL Bonding Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL Hexagon Socket Tapping Screw-P 3X25 MFZNBL Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL Nut PARTS No. V3289800 V3289800 EP600190 VN413300 V3289800 EP600190 Q'ty 12 8 6 2 5 10 MAS2 2/2 MAS3 1/2 290 350 340 MAS3 2/2 MASPAN 1/2 MASPAN 2/2 400 400 Bind Head Tapping S
File name Yamaha-M2500E-12 mix.pdf

M2500 LSI PIN DESCRIPTION HD6435208A00P (XK278A00) CPU PIN NO. NAME EXT EXTAL /WAIT /IRQ0 A18 A17 A16 /AS /RD /WR VCC MD0 MD1 MD2 /RES NMI VSS D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 I/O I I I O O O O O O O I I I I I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O O O O O O O Clock FUNCTION PIN NO. NAME A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 AVCC P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 P57 VSS AVSS AN0 AN1 AN2 AN3 AVCC TXD2 RXD2 A19 TXD1 RXD1 SCLK VSS I/O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Bus cycle wait Interrupt request Address bus Address strobe Read strobe Write strobe Power supply Mode select Reset Non-maskable interrupt request Ground Data bus Address bus 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Address bus Analog power supply Port 5 Ground Analog ground I I I I O I O O I I Analog data input Analog power supply Transmit data Receive data Address bus Transmit data Receive data Clock for serial operation Ground AK4320-VM-E1 (XR361A00) DAC PIN NO. NAME CKS DVDD DVSS XTO XTI /PD BICK SDATA LRCK SMUTE HOLD DEM0 I/O I O I I I I I I I I FUNCTION Clock select Digital VDD Digital GND Xtal out Xtal in Power down Serial bit clock Serial data input L/R clock Soft mute Soft mute hold De-emphasis mode PIN NO. NAME DEM1 DIF0 DIF1 VCNT AOUTR AOUTL VCOM AVDD AVSS VREF DZF ZMUTE I/O I I I I O O O I O I FUNCTION De-emphasis mode Input format Mute Control Analog output R Analog output L Common Analog VDD Analog VSS V reference Zero input Zero mute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 M2500 LZ95300 (XP451A00) Gate Array PIN NO. NAME INC CPR CPST COFF CPU C0 C1 C2 C3 /RES DATA IRQ /CS GND I/O O O O O I I I I I I I/O O I FUNCTION INPUT CUE ON/OFF VCA CUE PRE PAN ON/OFF VCA CUE POST PAN ON/OFF All CUE OFF H: CPU mode, L: Local mode CPU address bus PIN NO. NAME /CSW VCA8 VCA7 VCA6 VCA5 VCA4 VCA3 VCA2 VCA1 /SLSF /CHK /ONSW /ONRY VDD I/O I I I I I I I I I I I I O FUNCTION CUE switch input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reset Data input/output When /ONSW and /CSW change; H. When CPU reads data; L. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VCA GROUP switch input SOLO SAFE switch input CHECK LED ON/OFF ON switch input ON relay & LED ON/OFF Digital power supply Chip select Digital ground Function of DATA C3 C2 C1 C0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 R/W W R W R W W W MODE ON RELAY SET ON SW READ CUE RELAY SET CUE SW READ CHECK LED SET VCA PRE/POST SET SOLO SET 0 1 1 : : 1 1 0 0 : : 1 1 0 0 : : 1 1 0 1 : : 1 W W W : : W VCA1 CUE SET VCA1 CUE SET VCA2 CUE SET : : VCA8 CUE SET FUNCTION Sets /ONRY Reads /ONSW Sets INC ON Reads /CSW Sets /CHK Sets CVCA CUE PRE/POST PAN Sets SOLO When SOLO is set, CUE or SOLO SAFE is not ON, /ONRY is set to OFF. Sets VCA1 CUE Sets VCA1 CUE Sets VCA2 CUE : : Sets VCA8 CUE DATA 0 1 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF
File name Yamaha-M2500E-13 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (IN1, IN2, INJK) M2500 1 IN1 INJK OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP NEXT P.C.B. (K2) [P.11 - H9] OP AMP OP AMP 2 NEXT P.C.B. (O2) [P.11 - L3] 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 IN2 6 6 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP NEXT P.C.B. (P7) [P.11 - K1] NEXT P.C.B. (K7) [P.11 - K3] 7 7 8 8 9 9 NEXT P.C.B. (P9) NEXT P.C.B. (L9) ISRT-CN203 [P.11 - K3] ISRT-CN205 [P.11 - L3] ISRT-CN303 [P.11 - K1] ISRT-CN305 [P.11 - L1] 10 10 11 11 [P.4 - B4,5] [P.4 - I5] 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-14 mix.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A M2500 WIRING M2500 A MSOUT2 B METER1 1/3 ISRT 1/6 MASOUT MAS1 1/2 ISRT 6/6 B METER1 2/3 METER1 3/3 C METER1 1/3 MASOUT C METER1 2/3 METER1 3/3 ISRT 2/6 MASOUT MAS2 1/2 D METER1 1/3 MASOUT (J6) D METER1 2/3 METER1 3/3 MASOUT MAS2 2/2 E METER1 1/3 CTRL (P4) E MASOUT METER1 2/3 METER1 3/3 F MAS1 2/2 MASOUT MAS3 1/3 (P4) F METER2 1/2 1/3 MASPAN MSOUT3 G METER2 1/2 2/3 METER2 1/2 3/3 G MSOUT3 MAS3 2/2 METER2 2/2 1/3 H MAS4 METER2 2/2 2/3 H (O8) I Those items on the right of this broken line are not used for M2500-24 and M2500-32. 1 1 I INJK INJK ISRT 2/6 ISRT 3/6 (J11) J (J1) IN1 STJK IN1 J (D11) (K11) IN2 ST1 IN2 K (K11) (K1) (K1) K ST2 L L (L11) IN3 IN3 M (L1) INPAN INPAN M ST3 (N11) (N1) N N (O11) IN4 (H6) IN4 (O11) ISRT 4/6 ISRT 5/6 1) The number of blocks "INJK-IN1-IN2-IN3-INPAN-IN4" varies depending on the ch version. Blocks on the left of Master Blocks on the left of Master P (O1) O (O1) ST4 O (F11) P (F7) Q 1 M2500 M2500 Q 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
File name Yamaha-M2500E-15 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (IN3) NEXT P.C.B. (P12) ISRT-CN306 [P.11 - M1] ISRT-CN308 [P.11 - N1] M2500 1 (H12) (B3) IN3 [P.5 - E8] 2 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP [P.5 - G8] OP AMP 2 [P.5 - E8] (M3) [P.5 - G9] (M5) (M8) (M10) METER DRIVER (B2) [P.11 - L3] [P.11 - H10] METER DRIVER (B2) 3 [P.5 - E8] 3 (H2) 4 4 [P.3 - M11] OP AMP OP AMP [P.3 - O11] OP AMP OP AMP 5 METER DRIVER [P.5 - B2] 5 METER DRIVER (B3) [P.5 - B5,6] (B3) 6 [P.5 - B3,4] 6 7 [P.5 - E10] [P.5 - G10] 7 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP METER DRIVER METER DRIVER 8 (B3) (B3) 8 9 9 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP 10 10 METER DRIVER (B3) METER DRIVER (B3) 11 11 [P.5 - B7] NEXT P.C.B. (H1) (O,P2) [P.11 - L3,M3] 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-16 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (IN4, INPAN, METER, CTRL 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5) M2500 1 INPAN CTRL 4/5 CTRL 5/5 PhotoCoupler 2 [P.4 - B5] 2 INVERTER 3 METER 3 [P.4 - B6] [P.11 - I9] CTRL 2/5 4 MULTIPLEXER CTRL 3/5 4 DRIVER DRIVER OP AMP 5 BUFFER 5 [P.11 - E6] [P.4 - I5,6] METER1 install not install not install METER2-1/2 not install install install METER2-2/2 not install install install 6 other 6 OP AMP D-FF CTRL 1/5 EPROM 512K [P.4 - I11] SRAM 256K 7 7 [P.4 - B2] [P.4 - B3] NEXT P.C.B. (F8) NEXT P.C.B. (E8) [P.11 - M3] [P.11 - H9] NAND 8 IN4 INVERTER OP AMP OP AMP [P.4 - I2] DSP3 OR 8 CPU INTER FACE [P.4 - B2] INTER FACE NAND INVERTER GATE ARRAY INVERTER 9 SYSTEM RESET [P.4 - B3] 9 OR OP AMP OP AMP OR DAC INVERTER 10 BUFFER D-FF OP AMP [P.4 - I7] [P.4 - B7] 10 INTER FACE NEXT P.C.B. (G11) INTER FACE OP AMP [P.11 - K8] D-FF DECODER [P.11 - M6] NEXT P.C.B. (A11) [P.11 - K6] 11 [P.11 - N6] [P.9 - N7] [P.9 - J8] BUFFER 11 [P.11 - M7] [P.11 - M7] 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-17 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (ST1, ST2) M2500 1 ST1 ST2 2 OP AMP (K6) (L4) (K6) (M4) (M6) (M4) (M6) (N4) 2 [P.7 - E4] [P.7 - O4] OP AMP 3 OP AMP [P.11 - K5] 3 [P.11 - K5] 4 [P.11 - H11] 4 OP AMP (K2) (K2) (K2) (K2) 5 OP AMP OP AMP 5 (I10) [P.7 - B4] 6 (K2) [P.7 - B9] (K2) OP AMP OP AMP (K2) (K2) OP AMP OP AMP 6 7 7 OP AMP 8 8 OP AMP OP AMP 9 OP AMP CN253 [P.11 - K5] CN255 [P.11 - L5] 9 (M5) 10 [P.11 - L5] 10 OP AMP OP AMP 11 OP AMP [P.11 - H11] 11 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-18 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (ST3, ST4, STJK) to ISRT-CN256 [P.11 - M5] to ISRT-CN258 [P.11 - M5] M2500 1 ST3 STJK [P.11 - I8] 2 OP AMP (M12) 2 (N11) 3 3 [P.6 - K6] [P.6 - B3] 4 [P.6 - K2] 4 OP AMP 5 [P.11 - H11] 5 (I8) 6 [P.11 - M5] 6 ST4 NOR METER DRIVER 7 7 (N12) OP AMP 8 METER DRIVER 8 INTERFACE (B6) 9 NOR [P.6 - M6] 9 METER DRIVER [P.11 - L7] OP AMP 10 10 METER DRIVER [P.8 - J9] INTERFACE 11 (B3) 11 12 M2500 (B2) (B7) M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-19 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (MAS1 1/2, MAS1 2/2, MAS4) M2500 1 [P.9 - B2] [P.11 - O9] [P.11 - O9] MAS1 2/2 2 2 [P.11 - I10] OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP 3 3 MAS1 1/2 4 4 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP 5 [P.11 - B5] 5 OP AMP OP AMP [P.9 - B6] [P.10 - N6] 6 6 [P.11 - I10] [P.11 - H1] 7 7 MAS4 NOR [P.10 - B8] NOR [P.10 - B9] NOR [P.10 - B10] 8 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE 8 9 9 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP [P.7 - J11] 10 10 NOR [P.10 - B8] NOR [P.10 - B9] INTERFACE INTERFACE 11 11 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-20 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (MAS2) [P.11 - O9] [P.11 - O9] [P.11 - O9] M2500 1 MAS2 2 2 [P.8 - E1] 3 3 4 OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP [P.10 - H11] [P.10 - H11] 4 5 5 [P.8 - B6] 6 6 [P.11 - G4] [P.11 - E2] [P.11 - O9] 7 OP AMP OP AMP [P.5 - P11] 7 [P.11 - L7] DECODER 8 [P.5 - P10] 8 [P.11 - B8] [P.10 - H8] 9 [P.11 - G11] 9 [P.10 - M7] OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP OP AMP [P.11 - E10] [P.11 - E12] [P.10 - H8] 10 [P.10 - M6] [P.11 - D6] 10 OP AMP [P.10 - M6] 11 OP AMP 11 12 M2500 [P.11 - E4] M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-21 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (MAS3, MASPAN) M2500 1 MAS3 (A5) MASPAN [P.11 - G3] [P.11 - G3] [P.11 - O9] (F8) 2 OP AMP [P.11 - O9] OP AMP OP AMP [P.11 - O9] 2 (N7) (F8) (B8) (B9) (N6) (F10) 3 (B10) [P.11 - G5] 3 OP AMP OP AMP (D8) (B8) (N7) (F8) (N6) (B9) (F10) (I8) 4 4 OP AMP (B8) OP AMP OP AMP (B10) (N7) (D8) (N6) (D10) (B9) (H10) [P.9 - H11] (F10) 5 5 (B8) 6 OP AMP OP AMP [P.9 - H10] 6 (H2 6) (N7) (D8) (B8) (N6) (D10) [P.9 - H9] (D2 6) [P.8 - D6] (B9) (D10) 7 7 (O4) (O2) OP AMP [P.9 - K10] (B2) 8 [P.8 - L8] (B4) (M4) 8 (J9) (B5) [P.8 - L11] (B6,7) (D6) (D5) (D4) (D2) [P.9 - H9] (G2) [P.8 - N8] (G4) 9 [P.11 - G9] [P.11 - O9] 9 (G5) [P.8 - N11] (G6,7) (O7) (K3) [P.8 - P8] (K5) (O6) (O9) OP AMP (M5) 10 10 (H6) (H5) (H4) (H2) OP AMP [P.9 - B4] 11 11 [P.9 - B4] [P.11 - B7] 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-22 mix.pdf

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 1 M2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (ISRT 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/5, 5/6, 6/6, MASOUT) M2500 1 ISRT 1/6 (G7) OP AMP OP AMP [P.8 - C6] [P.3 - K7] R [P.3 - K9] R [P.3 - K9] R [P.4 - H1] R R [P.4 - H1] R ISRT 3/6 [P.9 - K6] 2 R R R 2 OP AMP [P.10 - B2] [P.4 - H3] [P.3 - K2] (H10) [P.5 - E8] R R R 3 [P.10 - F2] 3 [P.3 - P7] L L [P.3 - P9] L L [P.3 - P9] L L [P.4 - P12] L L [P.4 - P12] L [P.9 - D12] ISRT 2/6 (F8) (C7 11) 4 4 [P.8 - B5] 5 (G8) [P.6 - L3] [P.6 - L4] [P.6 - K6] [P.6 - K10] [P.6 - K6] [P.7 - H1] [P.7 - F6] [P.7 - H1] ) ( (E8,9) B9 11 (B7) [P.9 - D6] 5 [P.10 - J4] ISRT 4/6 ISRT 5/6 (I11) (H9) [P.9 - N10] [P.5 - D5] 6 ISRT 6/6 OP AMP [P.7 - I10] [P.5 - O11] 6 [P.5 - B11] R REGULATOR +5V [P.5 - G11] L ISRT 2/6 7 (P4) (P4) (P4) (P4) OP AMP (G8) (G8) (G8) [P.9 - O8] OP AMP GAP1 8(C9 11) AUX7 14(D9 11) [P.5 - L12] 7 [P.5 - N12] (B2) [P.10 - B11] (G8) (G8) (P4) (G8) (G8) (P4) (E7) (E8) (E7) [P.7 - N2] (P4) (G8) (G8) (G8) (P4) [P.9 - N8] (P5) (F7) (F8) (F8) (B5) 8 (P4) (G8) (D7) (D8) (D8) (D9) [P.5 - I11] (H9) 8 OP AMP to METER-CN331 (P4) (P5) (G7) (G7) (P4) (P5) (P4) (G7) (P4) (G7) [P.9 - K10] (P4) [P.10 - H9] to to to to MAS2-CN207 MAS2-CN205 MAS2-CN204 MAS2-CN206 [P.9 [P.9 [P.9 [P.9 - C7] F2] C2] K2] OP AMP (G8) (C6) (G11) [P.5 - F8] (E11) [P.5 - D4] (M7) to to to to to to MAS3-CN309 [P.10 - I3] MAS3-CN321 [P.10 - N9] MAS3-CN310 [P.10 - N2] MAS3-CN308 [P.10 - E2] MAS1 1/2-CN101 [P.8 - G1] MAS1 1/2-CN102 [P.8 - L1] MASOUT 9 9 (G7) (P4) (P4) (G7) [P.3 - O2] 10 (P4) (G7) (P4) (G7) [P.4 - I3] [P.8 - B6] 10 (G7) (P4) (P4) (G7) [P.8 - B3] (J3) (P4) (G7) (P4) (G7) [P.6 - N11] [P.9 - H9] [P.6 - I4] (G7) (G7) (P4) (H9) (H9) 11 (P4) 11 (B6) (P4) (G7) (P4) (G7) (P4) [P.7 - A5] KEC-92331 1 [P.9 - H10] 12 M2500 M2500 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
File name Yamaha-M2500E-23 mix.pdf

MIXING CONSOLE PARTS LIST CONTENTS OVERALL ASSEMBLY ... 2 CHASSIS ASSEMBLY ... 4 MASTERE ASSEMBLY ... 8 MONO IN ASSEMBLY (MONO16, MONO24, MONO32) ... 10 METER PANEL ASSEMBLY ... 12 ELECTRICAL PARTS ... 14 Notes : DESTINATION ABBREVIATIONS A : Australian model B : British model C : Canadian model D : German model E : European model F : French model H : North European model I : Indonesian model J : Japanese model M : South African model O : Chinese model Q : South-east Asia model T : Taiwan model U : U.S.A. model V : General export model (110V) W: General export model (220) N,X : General export model Y : Export model WARNING Components having special characteristics are marked specification equal to those originally installed. and must be replaced with parts having The numbers "QTY" show quantities for each unit. The parts with "--" in "PART NO." are not available as spare parts. This mark " } " in the REMARKS column means these parts are interchangeable. ) part number is O, not zero. The second letter of the shaded ( ) part number is I, not one. The second letter of the shaded ( M2500 OVERALL ASSEMBLY REF NO. PART NO. ----------NX819680 VN413300 NX819720 VN413300 AAX09050 VN413300 -VN413300 EP600190 --EP600190 ---EP600190 -----EG340190 EG340360 VB923200 --------VV104600 -- * 10 10 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 110 120 150 150 160 170 170 170 180 200 200 200 200 200 210 220 230 300 310 320 321 322 330 340 500 510 520 DESCRIPTION OVERALL ASSEMBLY Overall Assembly Overall Assembly Overall Assembly Overall Assembly Overall Assembly Shassis Assembly Shassis Assembly Shassis Assembly Shassis Assembly Shassis Assembly Circuit Board Bonding Tapping Screw-B Circuit Board Bonding Tapping Screw-B Circuit Board Bonding Tapping Screw-B MASTER Assembly Bonding Tapping Screw-B Bind Head Tapping Screw-B Mono 16 Assembly MONO 32 Assembly Bind Head Tapping Screw-B MONO 24 Assembly MONO 32 Assembly MONO 24 Assembly Bind Head Tapping Screw-B Meter Panel Assembly Meter Panel Assembly Meter Panel Assembly Meter Panel Assembly Meter Panel Assembly Bind Head Tapping Screw-B Bind Head Screw Bind Head Screw Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Connector Assembly Cord Binder Cord Holder Cord Binder REMARKS M2500-24/32/40/48/56 24CH (V442400) 32CH (V442410) 40CH (V442430) 48CH (V442450) 56CH (V442470) 24CH (V442480) 32CH (V442490) 40CH (V442500) 48CH (V442510) 56CH (V442520) MSOUT1 3.0X8 MFZN2BL MSOUT2 3.0X8 MFZN2BL MASOUT3 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (V442530) 3.0X8 MFZN2BL 3.0X8 MFZN2BL 40CH 56CH 40/56CH 21/31 24,40,56CH 32CH 48CH 26/31/26/52/26 24CH 32CH 40CH 48CH 56CH 10/11/13/14/15 7/8/9/10/11 (V442540) (V442560) QTY RANK 3 60 16 16 2 17 15 01 13 01 01 01 01 3.0X8 MFZN2BL 01 (V442550) (V442560) (V44

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