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Now downloading free:Aphex CX-1

Aphex CX-1 free download

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File name:Aphex CX-1 pinout data.pdf
[preview CX-1]
Size:64 kB
Model:CX-1 🔎 CX1
Descr:CX-1 compressor expander pinouts
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio > Professional
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Aphex CX-1 pinout data.pdf

PUPCo Studios & Research Group generic APHEX CX-1 pinout data. APHEX CX-1 PINOUT DATA IMPORTANT NOTES: · Use HI-Level input and output with transformered units ONLY. · Inputs on all units are balanced. Pin# Description of connection and use. 1 Chassis ground 2 HIGH-Level Output (Transformer use ONLY) 3 LOW-Level Output (NO Transformer) 4 Negative Output 5 Output Ground 6 N/C 7 N/C 8 Input Ground 9 Input LOW-Level (NO Transformer) 10 Input High-Level (Transformer Use ONLY) 11 Gain Trim 12 V+ 13 14 V15 N/C or Ext. Meter Feed (Not Buffered) Input on Transformered units use pins 8 and 10. Input on Non-Transformered units use pins 8 and 9. The actual source of this data originated from an unmarked hand-written page and is believed to have come from APHEX long ago. If you happen to know who originated this data, contact us and we will give you credit for your work...

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