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Fender AutomaticGT/SE free download

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AUTOMATIC GT/SE GT:p/n 022-6300-000 (120V) SE:p/n 022-6400-000 (120V) SERVICE MANUAL CONTENTS: Notices Specifications Parts lists: PCB assembly Cabinet assembly Chassis assembly Unit assembly Schematics Service diagram Fender Musical Instruments Corp. 7975 North Hayden Road Scottsdale, AZ 85258 AUTOMATIC GT - AUTOMATIC SE (These are the model names for warranty claims) SERVICE MANUAL JUNE 1997 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY to Fender Musical Instruments Corp. It is disclosed solely for use by qualified technicians for purposes of equipment maintenance and service. It is not to be disclosed to others without the expressed permission of Fender Musical Instruments Co. All specifications subject to change without notice. For warranty repair service, only Fender specified part numbers are to be used. It is recommended they also be used for post-warranty maintenance and repair. Parts marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the required use of that specific part. This is necessary for RELIABILITY and SAFETY requirements. DO NOT USE A SUBSTITUTE! A coded naming convention is used in the description of certain parts. The codes and what they mean are as follows: CAPACITOR CODES CAP AE CAP CA CAP CD CAP MPF CAP MY CAP PFF = = = = = = Aluminum Electrolytic Ceramic Axial Ceramic Disk Metalized Polyester Film Mylar Polyester Film/Foil HARDWARE CODES BLX CR HWH M NI OHP PB PHP PHPS SMA SMB SS TF ZI = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Black Oxide Chrome Plated Hex Washer Head Machine Screw Nickel Plated Oval Head Phillips Particle Board Pan Head Phillips Pan Head Phillips Sems Sheet Metal "A" Point Sheet Metal "B" Point Stainless Steel Thread Forming Zinc Plated RESISTOR CODES RES CC RES CF RES FP RES MF RES WW = = = = = Carbon Comp Carbon Film Flame Proof Metal Film Wire Wound AUTOMATIC GT/SE SPECIFICATIONS Product Release No.: Part Number: PR 329 (This is not a model number) 120V Version: 240V Aust: 230V UK: 230V Euro: 100V GT: 22-6300 22-6330 22-6340 22-6360 22-6370 SE: 22-6400 22-6430 22-6440 22-6460 22-6470 Power Specification: 100V Version: 100 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 90 W 120V Version: 120 V AC, 60 Hz, 90 W 230V Version: 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 90 W 240V Version: 240 V AC, 50 Hz, 90 W 24 W into 8 @ 5% THD Instrument: > 500 k Tape/CD: 12 k Instrument: 100 mV Tape/CD: 120 mV for clipping One Fender Special Design 12" Speaker (P/N 025923) Height: Width: Depth: 17.5" 17" 9.5" 28 lbs. (44 cm) (43 cm) (24 cm) (12.7 kg) Power output: Input Impedance: Nominal Input Level: Input Sensitivity: Speaker: Dimensions: Weight: Product specifications are subject to change without notice AUTOMATIC GT/SE PARTS LIST NOTE: SHADED ITEMS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD QTY 1 6 3 5 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 5 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 6 21 2 10 2 2 1 PART# 033605 033606 028458 028459 028460 028463 028467 028471 028474 028479 033607 039259 051445 051408 051457 051406 051458 051459 027261 027278 027281 0272

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