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SERVICE MANUAL PL-D2000 AV Digital Home Theater System NOTES PC boards shown are viewed from parts side. The parts with no reference number or no parts number in the exploded views are not supplied. As regards the resistors and capacitors, refer to the circuit diagrams contained in this manual. £ Parts marked with this sign are safety critical components. They £ must be replaced with identical components - refer to the appropriate parts list and ensure exact replacement. Parts of [ ] mark can be used only with the version designated. Effective : April, 2002 S-0057A 1 SAFETY INFORMATION CONTENTS This product has been designed and manufactured according to FDA regulations "title 21, CFR, chapter 1, subchapter J, based on 1 SAFETY INFORMATION 2 the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968", and is classified as a class 1 laser product. There is no hazardous 2 SPECIFICATIONS 3 invisible laser radiation during operation because invisible laser radiation emitted inside of this product is completely confined in the protective housings. 3 ADJUSTMENT AND CHECKS 5 The label required in this regulation is shown 1. 4 EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 8 OCAUTION USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENT OR PERFORMANCE OF 5 PC BOARDS AND PARTS LIST 15 PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. 6 BLOCK DIAGRAM 23 7 WIRING DIAGRAM 24 1 For U.S.A. Optical pickup: Type : HOP-1000 Manufacturer : Hitachi Media Electronics Co., Ltd. Laser output : Less than 0.5 mW on the objective lens Wavelength : 770 - 810 nm (CD), 635 - 665 nm (DVD) 2 2 SPECIFICATIONS DVD Player Speakers Pickup: Semiconductor laser, Wavelength 650 nm Active Subwoofer: Signal system: NTSC / PAL Power: 50 W

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