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McIntosh MC2105 free download

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FROM S E R I A L NO. 10M01 TO 26M07 MC 2 1 0 5 MclNTOSH LABORATORY INC. 2 CHAMBERS STREET BINGHAMTON, NEW Y O R K ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS POWER OUTPUT: 105 RMS watts continuous per channel into 4, 8, or 16 ohms both channels operating. HARMONIC DISTORTION: Less than 0.25% at 105 watts power output from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, both channels operating. than 0.1% at rated power. is reduced. INTERMODULATION DISTORTION: Less than 0.25% if instantaneous peak power output is 210 watts or less per channel with both channels operating for any combination of frequencies 20 Hz to 20 kHz. FREQUENCY RANGE: 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0, -0.1 dB at rated power. 15 Hz to 60 kHz +0, -0.5 dB at rated power. 10 Hz to 100 kHz +0, -3.0 dB at rated power. NOISE AND HUM: 90 dB or more below rated output. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 4, 8, and 16 ohms OUTPUT VOLTAGES: 25 volts (connect to 8 ohm outputs.) DAMPING FACTOR: 18 at 4 ohms output 13 at 3 ohms output Typical performance is less Distortion decreases as output 10 at 16 ohms output INPUT IMPEDANCE: 200,000 ohms INPUT SENSITIVITY: 0.5 volts. POWER Level control provided for higher input voltage. REQUIREMENTS: 117 volts AC 50-60 Hz, 90 watts at zero signal output, 450 watts at rated output. INPUT SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-795 L O C A T I O N OF T R A N S I S T O R S NOT ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS INPUT SECTION P R I N T E D CIRCUIT BOARD 043-795 HEAVY LINE SHOWS P R I M A R Y SIGNAL PATH INPUT SECTION MC 2I05 154-292 LEFT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-805 RIGHT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-805 POWER OUTPUT SECTION MC 2105 154- 366 METER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD METER SECTION MC 2105 154-294 SCHEMATIC NOTES 1. Unless otherwise specified: Resistance values are in ohms, 1/2 watt, and 10% tolerance; capacitance values smaller than 1 are in microfarads (µf) ; capacitance values greater than 1 are in picofarads ( p F ) ; inductors are in microhenries ( µ H ) . Printed circuit board components are outlined on the schematics by dotted lines. The circled numbers on the dotted lines correspond to the numbers on the PC board layouts. The heavy lines on the schematics denote the primary signal path. The terminal numbering of rotary switches is for reference only. All voltages indicated on the schematics are measured under the following conditions: a. b. c. Use of an 11 megohm impedance VTVM. All voltages ±10% with respect to chassis ground. Ho signal at input terminals. 2. I 3. 4. 5. d. AC input at 117 volts AC, 50/60Hz. e. Front panel controls at: Left Gain Meter Range Right Gain Speakers Power FULLY CCW OFF FULLY CCW ON OH 6. R125, R126, R127, and R128 are 2.7K in early units. 7. R215 and R216 are 1.2K and R217 and R218 are 22K in early units. 8. In units with serial N o ' s below 10M40: C111, C112, C113, and C114, are used; C107, C108, C109. and C110 (part No. 064-044) are . 0 4 7 ; The emitter of Q113 and Q114 is connected as shown by the dotted lin

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