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Now downloading free:Kenwood KA-4006

Kenwood KA-4006 free download

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File name:KA-4006 Schema 2.pdf
Size:714 kB
Model:KA-4006 🔎 KA4006
Descr:Integrated amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name KA-4006 Schema 1.pdf

9KENWclcrD ruxffirurc2 rilPul rkh. lN STEREo INTEGRATED AnIIPTIFIER ilFf00E -t I ui rrcrct FtLlER 10fi LotoNEss Ld rror oFEAr -r MUTffi Geû6-?&8rcrc 52 SJ Sa l,tooÉ 5rqeeo V Q-.Ê O O O 53 56 SELECTOfl Sr UUUUUU Ê TAPf, Sl *ff8 fl;,".. n[J lJa OIJEEING It oFFrr\a+B SPEAKERS Sr i'ONITOR Sr V '"ry*-il *T]..'T*,*..,1 TONE AMP (x1 1 -1230 -00) Sr 4ch. OW 8. REC s!lL {xo8-1340-10} F-8 TAPE OUBBING I :Ëi nl A, REC g, PLÂY A, PLÀY *ootr. *æ,f- .,o"._ * ! || tkE -'l*Èl :s*' I SPECIFICATIONS RMS Powcr Ouipul Both ch.nnel drivs =hl -1 34 r 2 wô1t5 Inro 8 ohms ar 20 rlz - ZO.O0O llZ 35 x 2 wêns inio I ohm5 al 1.000 Hz 48 x 2 watls inro 4 ohms al i.O0O H7 AUX lUNER PHOIIO 2 PHONO t' wrcE .35 *"o'.0 on- ll*L | llnjr rfrl | Dynâmic Pow.r Ouipui - l:l :TË-I lot.l Hamonic Diatortion Int.r Mduldion Oi3rorrion lmHt:?kHr-4:ll Pow.r B.ndwidlh sign.l to Noi$ Ê.tio Omping Fâdor Spskr lfrpdanc6 ,*l-,%, 3E lï=61 S! t6'=n Ëil I t TAPE MONITOR PHONO 9UrcE -J ' PHONO 2 TUNER AUX EE S9 PRE.AMPLIFIER SECTION InÊi S.ôritiviry hd lhFdilc. Phmot 25n\v soKohnrs Phono2 25nrv SoKohrrs Îun.' l5ornv 50 K ohnrs AUX 150 hV 50 K ohnrs Trpe Pl.y A. B, a CH lN I 50 mV 50 K ohùrs Muimu6 hput VolÙp (rm.l Phono l. 2 140ûrV T H.D 0.5% ât ?.000 Sigol to Noie Rrtio llHF A CURVÊ) Tun.r aux TâF Pl.y A, B, 4 CH lN Out9ut Voll.e6 .nd Tæ. R.c. A. B (Pinl lDin cohnæior, a CH OUT Freuoôry R6pon$ Phorc 1,2 Îuîd, AUX, Tæ Plsy Ton. Controh 90 dB 90 dB 90 dB Hz À. PL AY B, PLAY A.REC B. REC 40 l50mV rnv 150mV 50 ohms 70 K ,rtrnrs 50 ohms MAtN AMP (XO7- 1280-t2l RIAA Srandard curve JO 3 dB 10 Hz aO 4ch.OUT 4ch. lN -l H" U-SEP 4sh SrO Or,-r : 25A6?0 w{rt (41 q(5} | 0.5,. : zSC1451(c)or{B) ; O.?,r :2SC1416lGR) I O!e,E : 2SC945 ! 0nr.te : 2SC945(O)o.(pl I Orsrr.: 254753 I O.Etr. : zSC1212A(8)or(Cl ; Oo7,tr : 25Â7434(A)or{C) I Oar,æ: 2SDt88 I Orzr.z:25Â627 I :2sc14r6 I Orz. : zSCt2l3A(C) kHr19 5dÊ 8r$ Tdlc Loudnru Conr.ol {-3O dBt L*Fili6r8oH, High Filte 7 kH! 110 dB ar 100 llz 1lOdB sr 10,000 Hz +8 cU sr 1O0 H? +3 dB ar lO.0O0 llz 6dBt oct 6 dB/ oct GENERAL SwitclEs SUker Solætd Inpul Solector ToF Monitoi Olhrr! AC Ourlet Pffi Consmption Oimanarona Wrighl I "l ---E | L--qL-l "l | l---* æ Otr-.:U0ô8.20tr.2:YZ-lao -J ,orr-{r-î:i526zi-,oii-rzTro-,rxîieFrplîï xa-4006(K)
File name KA-4006 Schema 2.pdf

Main amp units of KR-540O. KR-4400 and KA-4006 are revised for usrng New DC Vottage Prorecrion Crrcuir l-5400's rs revised from (XO7-1280-10) to (X07-1350-10). KR-4400's from (X07-1280-1 1) to (XO7-,t350-1 1) and KA-4O06's from 'O7-1280-12) to (X07-1350-12) Refer to SERVICE BULLETIN NO. SB-059 about circurt descrrprron As ro soecifrcarrons. no nendment is needed. For ?he sots sold in Europe. W ÏYPE ACt20/220V 50/6OHz tArt AilrP (x07-r 350-t 0l POWER SUPPLY UNIT ON+--+OFF (xoo-r490-6r) SII PowER For the sets sold in Scondinovio. L TYPE o POWER SUPPLY (xoo-r490-71) UNIï o Srt eowen ON+OFF AC220V 5O/6OHz ril The schematic diagram shown above is KR-5400 marn amp unit (XO7-1350-1O) KR-4400 is modified from --J (XO7-13b0. 1O) ro iO7-'l 350-11) and KA-4006's from (X07-1350-10) to {X07-1350-12). Modifrcation points are marked on the schemarrc diaqram rlh black screen and showed in the oarts list. PARTS IISI Râ, no I Pn, No I rcalatoi C.,bâ M.t.rnrô M.trlnlÉ C.ihn C..bon Crôoâ C.rbo^ cdbÀ C.ùo. o*.,0*" 33qt OaTo 17lt 22Bt 5u 22gt 6 8Bt 33bt ô llt 5 tGl or {6) (GÊl _ ! _1""::: urMrsrTrx ïYPE AC 11O-I2OV /22O-24OY 50/6OHz POWER SUPPLY UNIT Cr.ù'c É&rdnr Erftùorvûc È]aÉ C.rærc Elæùoift. ElGodyrc C.r.ù Cr.ctory!,c Mrr.r tf.d'oryùc El.f,o[nc Non por. Er.crolnr Er.crolyrc Myl.r Myl., Mylt 22Ogç llr rOlF 5rF arpr 22opF aTtF l@pt alrl O22rF 22QuF lti lælF tQrF OO3!!F OO33NF O lrr 130!l 5 6tr1 2 2ril lG æw 1 25WV rO 5pF 1 l8 6 3wv Rè45-48 F.5? iN t4a83.OÂ47( I âN t4A83.OaR/X.Ê RCO5CF2A222X PO PO PO 5t ! 5@V I lG 6 3Wv 4.53 F.56 5a 57 r48Y2t56OJ.A r aSY?t223J +roa 151 JsA I 5A tO% I t0% POrôCY2E682J r{Y2t333J r5A 12ft silv stv i26 !26 l2G PO14CY2a66?J t5t tÉutc0toudoa O.5 oN<-->oFF Srr powER TOTAL IOOW r6WV 25wv O., O.9 O.r9 Q.2t O.ll-14 O.l5 10 l8 20 22 6 8 lO vor.or2r 05 vo3.03æ.05 v03.0358.05 vor.@t4 05 vo3.ozro.o5 vol æ& 05 vo3 0235 05 vot.or | 8.o5 vq @37.05 vo3.032r.05 lr.n3'.ror I'.nrilô.2SA62Wlao 2SC ta5l l,.ô.'.tor 2SClarô (xoo-t490-8r) I'rnans r'.6!,rto' rr.nlrror li.^.'tror 2SC95 2SA733 2SC!2 I 2A l8t d lCr 2SA743A tBl o, tC, 56(l O.23 2. Oô25 wr m2.oé [email protected]'id 2SCraq Ls.'.to,2SÀ027 T.r^' 2SCl4l6 ro lt ro r2 r2 2 I trl t5!l 5r0 5 6Bl Or2ô Oe5 Oca 5ro 56tri 561 2 2\! a tll 2 ttû 9.6 / vo3-0354.05 v03.0235.05 v! r.0273.05 vr r.o254.05 vl 1 0273 05 r,.n$rd 2sc12r3a ord. 1520t6 O,d. lS2Ot6 rct vl ! o3g.o5 v2 æ2r.os 05 O,* OlOl I I ln.r6'.ror 5iP alL trac:rurÊoua (8, o'd. Od. oEol. l a !o l2 OEol.OA 82qt nr2 ror2 581 68Ûr tSBl I 6bl 55r.4o29-O5 to2 02æ.o5 FOr.OrOT 23 5&l ôml rSbl F20.@ô-05 tau

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