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Ericsson a1018s free download

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File name:a1018s.rar
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Original:a1018s 🔎
Descr:a1018s mobile phone
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name A1018S.pdf

A1018s/A1018sc Standard Electrical Repair Approved according to 1776-2/FEA 209 544 Trouble-shooting instruction A1018s/A1018sc Standard electrical repairs 4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/16.B A1018s/A1018sc Standard Electrical Repair Table of contents 1 Conditions ... 3 1.1 1.2 Component classes. ... 3 Abbreviations ... 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No serv / not able to connect calls. ... 5 Doesn´t start. ... 8 Audiofel ... 13 Display ... 21 Charging ... 24 SIM fault ... 26 Keyboard ... 28 Illumination and buzzer ... 32 RTC ... 40 Component lists ... 42 4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/16.B 2 (42) A1018s/A1018sc Standard Electrical Repair 1 Conditions 1.1 Component classes. All the components of the board are divided into four classes: A, B, C and D. The class of the component depends on how much of the performance of the phone is affected when replacing it. Class A and B: A test call towards the real network (not only towards a GSM test instrument) and run it through the normal tests is enough to verify the functionality, since the performance of the phone is only slightly affected. Class C: Since the tolerances of the component are so great it can substantially affect the performance of the phone you need to calibrate it at station level after replacing the component. Class D: Class D components need to be calibrated at board level using advanced equipment and may therefore not be replaced. 4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/16.B 3 (42) A1018s/A1018sc Standard Electrical Repair 1.2 Abbreviations B: C: D: F: H: J: L: N: P: R: V: W: X: Z: Crystal. Capacitor. Digital circuit. Over voltage protection. Buzzer, LED, pads for display. Connector. Coil. Analogue circuit. Test point. Resistor. Transistor or diode. Antenna connection. Contact surface at the circuit board. Filter AGND: AFMS: ATMS: DCIO: GND: LED3K: RTC: VBATT: VDIG: VCORE: VRAD: Ground for analogue signal. Audio From Mobile Station Audio To Mobile Station DC voltage used for charging the batt

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