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Now downloading free:GW Instek GFG-813

GW Instek GFG-813 free download

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File name:GFG-813_ADJ[1].pdf
[preview GFG-813]
Size:52 kB
Mfg:GW Instek
Model:GFG-813 🔎 GFG813
Descr:Has anyone got a user manual for a GW Instek function generator GFG-813. Thanks.
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
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File name GFG-813_ADJ[1].pdf

PE-C4-410 PAGE 1 GOODWILL INSTRUMENT ( MALAYSIA ) SDN. BHD. CALIBRATION STANDARD PROCEDURES FUNCTION GENERATOR MODEL : GFG-813 APPLICABLE ODM MODEL : FG-813; BK-3040 GW GOODWILL INSTRUMENT ( M ) SDN BHD. APPROVED BY CHECKED BY PREPARED BY TOTAL PAGE : 15 ( INCLUDING COVER PAGE ) FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE : 2 CALIBRATION PROCESS MODEL: GFG-813 STATION : PRE-ADJUST NO Adjustment Location Particular Specification Remarks 1 Initial Setting. POWER Switch = ON; Instrument Used : EXT COUNTER : release all buttons; 20Mhz O'scope MAIN GENERATOR : AMPL=Max, ATT= Release, OFFSET & SYM= Push, TRIGGER PHASE=Free run; MODULATION : AM, FM & SWP=Release, MODULATION Output=Max, SYM=CAL. 2 Puncture [ HI POT] Test. Connect AC cord's GND, Life & Neutral pins respective. GPT-515A : O/P voltage = 1.5 KV Cutoff Current = 1 mA Timer = 60 Sec 3 Functioning Check. Check the function of all VRs & button switches 20Mhz O'scope corresponing to the output waveform. 4 Burn - in. Deliver the sets to the burn-in chamber. 50 ¢J / 4 Hours GOODWILL INSTRUMENT APPROVED BY CHECKED BY PREPARED BY APPLICABLE ODM MODEL : (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. FG-813 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BK-3040 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY PAGE : 3

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