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AIWA CA-W82 free download

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File name:AIWA_CA_W82.pdf
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Descr:AIWA CA-W82
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CA-W82 CARRY COMPONENT SYSTEM · BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: TN­591SW­150 · TYPE: HE SIMPLE MANUAL · Replace this Service Manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. S/M Code No . 09­98A­296­1OA SERVICE MANUAL ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST - 1/5 NOTE: The characters in the suffix column indicate the part usage. HE ...XX...A... KANRI REF.NO PARTS NO. NO. DESCRIPTION SUFFIX C 17 C 18 C 305 C 309 C 308 C 301 C 307 C 303 C 302 C 304 C 313 C 315 C 317 C 312 C 316 C 311 C 320 C 322 C 321 C 351 D 302 D 303 D 301 D 305 D 304 D 306 D 308 D 309 D 307 D 318 D 314 D 316 D 313 D 311 D 319 D 312 D 310 D 320 D 322 IC 301 LCD 301 Q 306 Q 305 Q 303 Q 307 Q 301 Q 304 Q 308 Q 309 Q 302 Q 310 Q 312 Q 311 Q 350 S 301 S 306 S 307 S 305 S 308 S 302 S 303 S 309 S 304 S 311 S 310 S 312 X 301 X 302 * 9010 * 9020 ANT 1 C 408 C 409 C 404 C 407 C 406 C 405 C 401 C 402 C 403 C 416 C 417 C 415 C 423 C 422 C 508 87-018-131-080 87-018-131-080 87-018-106-080 87-018-113-080 87-018-117-080 87-018-205-080 87-018-209-080 87-018-209-080 87-018-209-080 87-018-209-080 87-010-248-080 87-010-405-080 87-015-677-080 87-018-134-080 87-018-134-080 87-018-205-080 87-018-113-080 87-018-209-080 87-018-209-080 87-010-400-080 87-027-405-080 87-027-607-080 87-A40-291-080 8Z-CA1-630-010 8Z-CA1-630-010 8Z-CA1-630-010 8Z-CA1-631-010 8Z-CA1-631-010 8Z-CA1-631-010 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 8Z-CA1-631-010 87-A40-291-080 87-A40-291-080 8Z-CA1-611-010 87-CT6-602-010 87-026-290-080 87-026-290-080 87-026-290-080 87-026-290-080 87-026-291-010 87-026-291-010 87-026-291-010 87-026-464-080 89-318-154-080 87-026-291-010 89-317-403-080 89-317-403-080 89-317-403-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-036-170-080 87-030-273-010 87-030-328-010 87-A90-147-010 8Z-CA1-632-010 8Z-CA1-627-010 87-010-221-080 87-010-221-080 87-010-401-080 87-010-401-080 87-010-545-080 87-A10-166-010 87-A10-172-010 87-A10-177-010 87-A10-332-080 87-010-382-080 87-010-405-080 87-A10-176-010 87-A10-283-080 87-A10-283-080 87-010-260-080 CAP, CER 1000P-50V CAP, CER 1000P-50V CAP,TC-U 15P-50 SL CAP, CER 33P-50V CAP,TC-U 68P-50 SL CAP, CERA-SOL 0.022 CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, ELECT 220-10V CAP, ELECT 10-50V CAP,E 100-6.3 7L CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 CAP, CERA-SOL 0.022 CAP, CER 33P-50V CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, CER 0.1-50V CAP, ELECT 0.47-50V ZENER,RD2.2E (20MA) ZENER,HZ7B3L DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) LED,RED LED,RED LED,RED LED,ORANGE/CLEARNESS LED,ORANGE/CLEARNESS LED,ORANGE/CLEARNESS DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) LED,ORANGE/CLEARNESS DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) DIODE,1N4148 (CPT) C-IC,LC587204-**** LCD TR,DTA124X TR,DT

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