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HP Hewlett Packard HP Color LaserJet CP1215 free download

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File name:HP_CP_1215_1518_Reman_eng.pdf
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Mfg:HP Hewlett Packard
Model:HP Color LaserJet CP1215 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Badly Needed
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File name HP_CP_1215_1518_Reman_eng.pdf

HP ® CP 1215 · 1518 CARTRIDGE REMANUFACTURING INSTRUCTIONS HP ® CP 1215 COLOR LASER PRINTER HP ® CP 1215 TONER CARTRIDGE SUMMIT 11124 Washington Blvd., Culver City, California 90232 USA · Ph +1 310 280 9620 · Fx +1 310 838 7294 · [email protected] · © 2008 UniNet Imaging Inc. All Trademark names are property of their respective owners. Product brand names mentioned are intended to show compatibility only. UniNet Imaging does not warrant downloaded information. CP · 1518 1240/1650 UNINET IMAGING HPINC. · · BROTHER CARTRIDGE REMANUFACTURING INSTRUCTIONSTONERCARTRIDGE UNINET IMAGINGINC. 1215 BROTHER1240/1650 · · DISASSEMBLINGTHE TONER CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLING THE REMANUFACTURING THE HP CP 1215 BLACK & COLOR TONER CARTRIDGES By Mike Josiah First released in April 2008, the CP 1215 series of color laser printers are based on a 12ppm black, 8ppm color, 600 Dpi engine (2400 DPI with RET in the CP1215 and up to 3600 DPI with RET in the CP 1518ni/CM 1312nfi MFP). The 1215 cartridges are an all in one type cartridge that consists of the toner supply, drum, and waste chamber. Like the CLJ-2600 these machines use an in-line, or single pass system. The difference here is that all four cartridges are stacked in line front to back instead of on top of each other as in the 2600. Because of this new machine layout, we will take a moment and run through the printer theory before we get started. The cartridge itself looks different from any previous Canon/HP cartridges I have seen. It's basically a rectangular shaped cartridge that comes with a toner seal and a snap-on drum cover across the bottom to protect the drum. New machines ship with starter cartridges rated for 750 pages so users will run out of toner fairly quickly. These cartridges can be disassembled fairly easily. Unlike the CLJ 2600, no cutting of the drum or cutting of any kind is necessary. There is a small problem removing the feed roller and thus filling the cartridge, but nothing too problematic. That will be explained later in the instructions. In going through the service manual, I found an intriguing setting. Under the OPTIMIZE menu, you can turn on a setting that reduces backgrounding. There are also extra cleaning and voltage settings under that menu, but I found the on/off setting for backgrounding to be interesting. The default setting for the Optimize feature is OFF. The chips in these cartridges are the same as most other HP color cartridges, the chip does not need to be changed in order for the cartridge to work. The toner low circuitry will be disabled, but after the user presses the "SELECT" button, the cartridge will work. The display will then alternate from "READY" to "Unauthorized Supply in Use." SUMMIT 11124 Washington Blvd., Culver City, California 90232 USA · Ph +1 310 280 9620 · Fx +1 310 838 7294 · [email protected] · © 2008 UniNet Imaging Inc. All Trademark names are property of their respective owners.

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