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File name:Teac-MCD80 aud sys.part1.rar
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MC-D80 CD/TUNER/AMPLIFIER NOTES PC boards shown are viewed from parts side. The parts with no reference number or parts number in the exploded views are not supplied. As regards the resistors and capacitors, refer to the circuit diagrams contained in this manual. Parts marked with this sigh are critical components. They must be replaced with identical components - refer to the appropriate parts list and ensure exact replacement. Parts of [ ] mark can be used only with the version designated. [J] : JAPAN [US] : U.S.A. [C] : CANADA [E] : EUROPE [UK] : U.K. [GE] : GENERAL EXPORT 9A08312000 2 SERVICE MANUAL 3 SERVICE MANUAL 4 SERVICE MANUAL 5 SERVICE MANUAL 6 SERVICE MANUAL 7 SERVICE MANUAL 8 SERVICE MANUAL 9 SERVICE MANUAL 10 SERVICE MANUAL 11 SERVICE MANUAL 12 SERVICE MANUAL 13 SERVICE MANUAL 14 SERVICE MANUAL 15 16 SERVICE MANUAL 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SERVICE MANUAL 33 34 SERVICE MANUAL 35 36 EXPLODED VIEW REF. NO. PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION REMARKS 1 9A08124900 WINDOW, FIP CGU1A224 2 9A08124800 DOOR, CD CGR1A173M9ZK87 3 9A08127900 BADGE, TEAC KGB1A080Z 4 9A08133100 ORNAMENT,FRONT(AL) KGK1A055ZC21 5 9A08163900 CAP , KNOB KGK2A056C21 6 9A08163800 KNOB , ROTARY KBN2A119 7 9A08128300 ORNAMENT, VOLUME KGR1A174MBC22 8 9A08125100 PANEL, SUB CGW1A271M9ZK87 9 9A08125000 WINDOW, SENSOR CGU1A225 10 9A08124500 KNOB, MODE CBT1A682M9K87 11 9A08124300 KNOB, POWER CBT1A680M9K87 12 9A08124700 INDICATOR, POWER CGL1A178 13 9A08124400 KNOB, FUNCTION CBT1A681M9K87 14 9A08124600 KNOB, BAND CBT1A683M9ZK87 15 9A08164000 VOLUME KNOB ASS'Y KGK2A056ZA 16 PCB POWER/SUB(CR-H80) 17 9A07872900 FOOT CKL1A059M9K63 18 9A07889500 CUSHION, FOOT KHG1A165 19 9A07873500 LOCKER, TOP CMH1A088 20 9A07878700 CHASSIS, BOTTOM CUA1A175 21 9A07873600 SUPPORT, MECHA CMH1A091 22 9A07870900 MECHANISM KSL2130CCM

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