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Technics SUCH900 free download

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File name:Technics-SUCH900 amp.pdf
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Model:SUCH900 🔎
Descr:integrated amplifier
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TechInfo Sheet Audio Visual Product Group: HiFi Mini Date: 14/12/99 Subject: Unit Cuts Out SYMPTOM: Model: SU-CH900 Revision No: 01 fax: 01344 853689 email: [email protected] Document No: 01 The unit turns off unexpectedly during normal operation and an indication of "E" lights on the main display. One of the following may cause the cut out. 1. 2. 3. A defective fan motor (coil shorted, disconnected or clogged commutator). A faulty detector circuit (short or disconnection). Smoothing capacitor (C571) used in fault detector circuit of output IC is possibly dry joint. The problem is liable to occur when the output is high. Defective fan motor: Replace the fan motor Part No. SYE1128-4 unless the resistance across both ends of the coil is between 20 and 30 Ohms. Incorrect action of fan motor circuit: Mount a capacitor across both ends of the fan motor. CAUSE: REMEDY: 1. 2. 3. Poorly soldered C571, re-solder this capacitor. NB Due to the nature of the problem, it is recommended that all of the three remedies above are carried out simultaneously Panasonic CS U.K. 1 Document No: 01 Model: SU-CH900

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