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Now downloading free:China TDC-4A-470

China TDC-4A-470 free download

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File name:TDC-4A-470.rar
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Model:TDC-4A-470 🔎
Original:TDC-4A-470 🔎
Descr:Tuner TDC-4A-470
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File name TDC-4A-470.pdf

TDC-4A-470 Series TDQ-4ASeries Features · · · · Super compact Low cost design VHF&UHF combinations VHF&UHF combinations plus CATV (300MHz) ch available Applications · Portable colour or Black & with TV · Radio receiver combined with TV band Standard Specifications(Typical models) TYPE SYSTEM TDC-4AB-300 Normal B/G plus CATV(300MHz) 48.25-62.25 L BAND(MGZ) H U fip 1.F(MGZ) fip SUPPLY VOLTAGE(v) I/O ImPEDANCE() POWER GAIN(DB) UHF:28min VHF:12max NOISE FIGURE(DB) UHF:14max VHF:10max V.S.W.R UHF:8max VL:30min I.F.REJ. VH:45min (DB) UHF:50min VL:40min IMAGE REJ. VH:30min (DB) UHF:18min UHF:18min UHF:18min UHF:18min UHF:18min VH:30min VH:30min VH:30min VH:30min UHF:50min VL:40min UHF:50min VL:40min UHF:50min VL:40min UHF:50min VL:40min VH:45min VH:45min VH:45min VH:45min UHF:8max VL:30min UHF:8max VL:30min UHF:8max VL:30min UHF:0.12max VL:30min UHF:14max VHF:10max UHF:14max VHF:10max UHF:14max VHF:10max UHF:14max VHF:0.10max UHF:28min VHF:10max UHF:28min VHF:12max UHF:28min VHF:10max UHF:28min VHF:10max 33.4 9 75 VHF:22min 33.4 9 75 VHF:28min 31.5 9 75 VHF:22min 31.5 9 75 VHF:28min 41.25 9 75 VHF:28min 48.25-112.25 119.25-294.25 471.25-855.25 38.9 175.25224.25 471.25855.25 38.9 49.75-112.25 120.25-288.25 471.25-863.25 38.0 168.25216.25 471.25863.25 38.0 TDQ-4AB Normal B/G TDC-4A-300 Mormal D/K plus CATV(300MHz) 49.75-85.25 55.25-83.25 175.25-211.25 471.25-885.25 45.75 TDQ-4A Normal D/K TDQ-4AM Normal M Outline Dimensions TERMINALS TDC-4AB-300 TDC-4A-300 TDQ-4AB TDQ-4A TDQ-4AM ANT AGC BU VT BH BL NC BM IF NC 1 2 3 BU 4 VT 5 BH 6 BL 7 NC 8 BM 9 IF 10 NC ANT AGC

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