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Now downloading free:KAOYI KFT-15022

KAOYI KFT-15022 free download

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File information:
File name:KAOYIdimmerCkt.pdf
[preview KFT-15022]
Size:42 kB
Model:KFT-15022 🔎 KFT15022
Descr:KAOYI Light Dimmer circuit, 100-240VAC in to 12 AC output, foot operated used with floor standing lamps
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Power supply
Multipart:No multipart

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File name KAOYIdimmerCkt.pdf

D3 SW1 LT533 330V R1 L 0.15R Flameproof,1WS. 1 2 L1 D4 D5 LT533 YSFR1D C2 100nF 400V Torroidal Inductor C4 Z1 400V TR1 C1 0.15uF 240VAC D1 LT533 Z2 400V 220nF 450v LAMP D6 YSFR1D 0V C3 100nF 400V TRAN-2P2S D2 N LT533 R2 56K C5 R3 100K OUT O D L3 Bead R5 2.2R Q1 J1300 TO220 D9 LT533 TR2 O D OUT R6 150R C7 DRIVE 220pF TR-3WS L2 Max 500K R15 2.2R Q2 J1300 TO220 RV1 D7 LT533 Bead D10 LT533 R13 150R Min R7 150R R11 180R D11 1N4148 R9 47K D8 Q3 BC548 DIAC R4 10R R12 0.47R Flameproof,1WS C6 47u R8 1M C8 22nF R10 33K 0V KAOYI KFT-15022 Dimmer Circuit DRIVE 220pF

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