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FC 37 LIST OF THE EXPLODED VIEWS SHELL ASSY COOLING SYSTEM 1 11 1 2 11 3 12 9 10 4 10 9 2 8 8 7 5 7 6 3 4 5 6 4 INVOLUCRO HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT 24 23 22 S P R A Y E R P U MP 7 8 9 10 E L E C T R IC P A R T S 6 5 7 4 6 5 11 3 12 13 14 8 2 9 10 3 11 12 1 4 6 7 2 21 4 5 3 8 20 2 15 18 16 17 13 14 9 1 1 13 12 11 10 Page 1 FC 37 SHELL ASSY Rev. 2 - 25/7/2003 11 1 2 Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 Left-Side Assembly Top A s s e mbly Spring Spare Description Code NC22753 N C 22770G R N20023 N21252 N 20024 Current Version Till s/n. 174214 Current Version Till s/n. 22925 3 12 9 10 4 Back-Side Panel-Grey P in Foot Adjustable Foot Front-Side Panel Front-Side Panel Resinate L ogo Door Assemb ly Right-Side Assembly L e ft A ngle of Top F e nding R ight A ngle of Top F e nding N10406 N10357 N22766 6542006 N 24468 N C 10360 NC22752 N 10323G R N 10324G R 8 7 5 9 10 11 12 6 Page 2 FC 37 Common Parts COOLING SYSTEM R e f. 1 Evaporator Cover E va pora tor A s s y C ompre s s or Mole c ula r D rie r Vacuum-Charge Valve Body Vacuum-Charge Valve Device Vacuum-Charge Valve Plug S uc tion F a n S e e Table S e e Ta ble S e e Ta ble S p a r e Description Code N10023 N 14009 N14007 N14005 N14006 - Rev. 2 - 25/7/2003 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 2 8 7 6 Parts for Air-Cooled Version Only R Rif.. ef 6 Air Condenser S p a r e Ricambio DescrizioneDescription Code N20283 Parts for Water-Cooled Version Only R e f. 5 7 Water Condenser S p a r e Description Fixing Bracket for Water Condenser Code N21018 N14014 3 Ref. 2 - Evaporator Ref. 3 - Compressor Code ND10046 ND10089 ND10417 Tension 220/240V 50 Hz 220/230V 60 Hz 110/115V 60 Hz Code N23441 N23494 N23446 Ref. 11 - Suction Fan Tension 220/240V 50 Hz 220/230V 60 Hz 110/115V 60 Hz Air N20096 N20095 N20095 Water N10213 N10213 N10213 4 5 Kind of Cube 4 17 g. (S tandard) 32 g. (Big) 14 g. (Small) ! ! Ref. 2 - For ice makers before s/n. 189612 (for "small size" ice cube only) ask, beside the Evaporator, also the Evaporator Support. Ref. 2 - Code ND10089 (Big Cube) from s/n. 22973. Before was Code MSN7842030. Page 3 FC 37 24 23 Rev. 2 - 25/7/2003 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT 7 8 6 9 10 Common Parts R e f. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 Complete Basin Assembly Pump Suction Filter Nut for Basin Connections Slide Keep Plate Inner Basin Over ow Pipe Assembly Over ow Cap Over ow Pipe Silicone Seal for Pump Basin Water Supply Pipe to the E va pora tor Water Supply Pipe to the Evaporator OR Gasket for Over ow Pipe Over ow Pipe Plastic Nipple Water Outlet Silicone Gasket S e mirigid P olye thyle ne G a s ke t Bin Discharge Nut Bulbe Thermostat Tube I nne r B a s in B a c k Ice Cubes Slide Flag Special Screw Inox Flags Support Assy S p a r e D e s c r i p ti o n C o de NC28207 N20005 N10159 N10009 NE10162 NC10133 N10305 N10133 N13069 NC13129 CF O7911021 N20233 N13107 N10007 N13006 N 13007 N10096 N20522 N22251 N10005 N20009 NC22035 22 11 3 12 13 14 20 C urre

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