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File name:Kenwood-DDX6017 car moni+dvd rec.part1.rar
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Size:3072 kB
Model:DDX601 🔎
Descr:car monitor + dvd + receiver
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
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File name Kenwood-DDX6017 car moni+dvd rec.pdf

MONITOR WITH DVD RECEIVER DDX6017 SERVICE MANUAL © 2005-4 PRINTED IN JAPAN B53-0262-00 (N) 609 Panel assy (A64-3668-02) Remote controller assy (A70-2064-05) DC cord (E30-6341-15) F2 DC cord (E30-6342-05) Screw set (N99-1754-05) (RC-DV420) Escutcheon (B07-3105-02) Mounting hardware assy (J22-0171-03) Lever (D10-4674-04) A B C D E DDX6017 1 This service manual not contain Block diagram, Components description, Microcomputer's terminal description, Test mode and Adjustment. Refer to the DDX7015 service manual (B53-0169-00). Unit name VIDEO CONTROL UNIT ELECTRIC UNIT VIDEO UNIT DVD MECHANISM ASSY (DVS-3040V) DVD UNIT DDX6017 X14-9510-13 X34-3470-10 X35-4432-70 X92-5150-00 X37-1050-00 Service manual (B53-0169-00) X14-939x-xx X34-316 x-xx X35-4332-70 X92-5020-00 X37-1020-04 2 PC BOARD (COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) DVD UNIT X37-1050-00 (J74-1352-22) D8 X37-1050-00 Ref. No. IC5 Address 7C 6D 6E 5E 7E 5C 5D 6D 6D 6C D7 IC7 IC8 3 IC9 IC10 IC11 S5 IC12 Q9 Q10 Q13 4 X85 L3 5 C14 R110 IC12 1 4 8 5 C117 R136 C132 R137 C116 R109 5 C31 IC11 4 CP3 R140 IC9 L1 S4 R71 8 C90 C91 R72 1 C104 R83 Q13 BE Q10 R82 EB G R138 L27 Q9 R135 R107 R108 C100 R139 R81 BE R80 R141 C92 90 91 C97 C96 C98 CP12 61 R101 R99 60 R134 CP11 R142 R143 R73 R79 120 R76 IC7 C95 R133 L25 R90 C129 C130 C131 C134 L24 CP15 C94 43 R93 6 I O R91 R78 1 2 4 3 C60 31 1 C93 L23 R132 R75 R74 R77 30 C101 3 4 C102 IC8 12 1 5 CP16 C133 IC10 C103 IC5 CP13 7 Refer to the schematic diagram for the values of resistors and capacitors. 2 C99 L22 L26 F G H I J DDX6017 1 PC BOARD (FOIL SIDE VIEW) DVD UNIT X37-1050-00 (J74-1352-22) X37-1050-00 Ref. No. IC1 IC2 IC4 IC6 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q15 Address 5G SWC 4 SWAD GND 2 CN5 5F 6G 5I 5G 4F TH1 T+ FF+ T- CN2 1 1 4 B+ BSW-F A+ A- SWB 3 5F 5G 5G 6I 5H CN1 DVD C DVD A R106 R105 R104 R103 1 D1 DVD D C23 DVD B B CD R4 R3 CD F CD E AGND DVD MD R17 CDLD E R129 C26 B R16 3 1 5 30 C113 C112 C111 C110 CD MD 64 1 R7 R8 R124 C6 C18 C20 B E R53 C75 C76 25 C115 Q2 R48 C114 R14 Q1 R121 C135 C5 C136 A CD R6 49 R122 RF C22 48 C21 C106 C19 BD0 R13 R130 C17 OFTR D2 C138 C74 R54 D3 D4 D5 C2 R5 C1 R123 R15 R127 VREF C3 C4 C24 R126 4 SLD2 R47 R46 R117 C73 1 DRV1.65 U DVDLD D GS IC1 Q3 C27 Q4 R128 BE BE R18 4 IOPIOP+ R55 C7 IC2 R19 C12 C10 R120 Q15 C25 TBAL R12 R119 17 VHALF 32 C11 C9 L2 Q5 R9 R10 16 R11 C15 33 C107 IC6 EB C82 26 C78 R44 C70 50 R65 R64 R61 W3 R30 C36 C45 PGND AS C35 C34 R29 RFENV TE VHALF C37 C47 C33 C32 C13 C123 A3.3 5 C80 C79 C81 FOD R68 R62 C87 SW-E R66 TRD R67 R60 R58 C83 C89 C84 R63 R57 C77 EB R56 FG C8 VREF ARF NARF C44 PLFLT1 C119 JLINE C71 R111 C43 C39 R45 C40 R112 R113 R31 C72 89 88 L6 C38 FE JOUT L4 W SPD C88 R28 W2 R27 W1 FWE M0 7V 50 TXD1 M1 M3 R33 C46 R32 C41 C48 D6 L7 C42 X1 RXD1 CP8 CP9 133 R92 C50 L8 C49 132 R59 H+ SLD1 H1 W+ L5 Q6 W- C68 R42 R43 C69 C108 R114 R131 R41 C67 L21 C126 C1

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