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WHIRLPOOL AWG853 free download

Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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File name WHIRLPOOL -awg853_853785310000.pdf

SERVICE Whirlpool Europe Customer Services AWG 853 Service Manual Washing machine Frontloader AWG 853 Model Version AWG 853 8537 853 10000 Technical data Spare part list Exploded view Wiring diagram Circuit diagram Program diagram Page 2 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respective safety regulations. Date: 15.11.2004 (Mod.05) Subject to modification Document-No.: 4812 712 16368 20.06.2001 / Page 2 Doc. No: 4812 712 16368 AWG 853 8537 853 10000 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Technical data Dimension Height Width Depth Weight Gross Net Main connection Voltage Frequency Power Consumption Fuse rating Drum data Washing Spinning Capacity of dry laundry Loading - washing max. Heating Type -Rated power draft - Voltage Tubular radiator 1900 W 230 W 3.5 kg 46 rpm 550 to 800 rpm 230 50 2200 10 V ± 10% Hz W A ~55.5 ~54 kg kg Thermostat A - fixed thermostat 90 ± 3 °C B - Adjustable thermostat Sensor NTC Pressostat (without laundry) Wash level Rinse level Push button switch unit Version with 5 buttons - On/off - Rinse hold - Eco - Half load - Low/High speed ~10.6 ± 1 l ~9 ± 1 l 85 59.5 33 cm cm cm Motor Type Timer washing Type 3 basic cycles 0797/4701 - normal washing - delicate washing - wool Universal SERVICE Spare part list Model Service No. Version Pos. No. 12NC Code 001 0 003 0 011 0 024 0 030 0 041 0 054 0 061 0 061 1 061 1 083 0 086 0 086 1 086 2 086 3 086 4 086 5 086 6 086 7 110 0 110 1 131 0 133 0 133 1 133 2 140 0 143 0 144 0 144 1 144 2 190 0 200 0 200 0 201 0 201 0 204 0 210 0 220 0 220 1 223 0 271 0 272 0 278 0 291 0 301 0 303 1 331 0 331 1 331 2 332 0 335 0 351 0 351 1 401 0 421 0 4812 440 10492 4812 404 48778 4819 462 47014 4812 440 10322 4812 440 10493 4819 417 19534 4812 462 28312 4812 466 88596 4812 466 88597 4812 466 88755 4819 466 47003 4819 492 68576 4812 815 18546 4812 815 18549 4812 815 18547 4812 815 18548 4812 904 48018 4812 418 18496 4812 310 28269 4819 498 78431 4819 498 78432 4819 903 10159 4819 903 10175 4819 903 10174 4819 903 10176 4819 450 58178 4819 903 02494 4819 903 10179 4812 416 18441 4819 532 88054 4812 468 18103 4812 418 18356 4812 418 18486 4812 418 88985 4812 418 89028 4812 418 88988 4812 528 98012 4812 418 18358 4812 418 18357 4812 418 88984 4812 358 18174 4812 528 88093 4812 535 98091 4812 466 88598 4812 464 68286 4812 498 78169 4812 412 58918 4812 413 78645 4812 413 78646 4812 410 28854 4812 412 58919 4819 134 48496 4812 381 18276 4812 361 58338 4812 121 18212 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service AWG 853 8537 853 10000 15.11.2004 (Mod.05) / Page 3 Doc. No: 4812 712 16368 AWG 853 853785310000 853785310000 Description Cabinet Bearer hook crosspiece Foot adjustable Panel, rear Table top Hinge Cover filter Counterweight upper Counterweight bottom, up to 29/03 Counterw. bottom 16.5 kg,from 30/03 Friction plate Spring Fastener upper counterweight Fastener motor, up to 37/03 Fastener bottom counterweight Fastener friction pad Friction pad

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