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Now downloading free:Embest MBC-SAM9G20

Embest MBC-SAM9G20 free download

Electronic circuits, electronic components datasheets and schematics

File information:
File name:SAM9G20_Core_Board_Introduction.doc
Size:317 kB
Model:MBC-SAM9G20 🔎 MBCSAM9G20
Original:A9G2 🔎
Descr:The introduction of the Embest MBC-SAM9G20 Core Board which is based on a Atmel AT91SAM9G20 processor, running at up to 400MHz. The board features plenty of internal memories: one 64KB ROM and one 16KB SRAM, as well as rich external memories: 4MB DataFlash,256MB NandFlash,64KB EEPROM and 64MB SDRAM. The board pre-installed Linux2.6 OS and provided with the BSP of WinCE6.0. it is so small, only measuring 45mm x 52mm, that is very easy to embedded it into customers' products and save much space.
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
Multipart:No multipart

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