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Magnat Maximus4.80 free download

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File name:Magnat-Maximus4.80 car amp.pdf
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Model:Maximus4.80 🔎
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File name Magnat-Maximus4.80 car amp.pdf

1 2 C200 HCH2+ R200 82K 100U/16V 3 4 C100 HCH1+ D 100U/16V R104 220/1W HCH1R105 R100 82K C102 10P/C VR1B 1 20K C101 R102 1K 3 2 U1A 4560 1 5 6 4560 7 R130 20K R204 220/1W HCH2- R205 100/1W C202 10P/C R230 VR1A 20K 1 20K U4A 4560 1 R217 10k 6 5 4560 7 h2 R207 10K U4B D 100/1W CH2 U1B h1 R201 1K C201 R202 1K 3 2 CH1 R101 1K 10U/50V 10U/50V C207 C107 C C300 HCH3+ R304 220/1W HCH3R305 100/1W VR3A 1 20K C301 CH3 B R301 1K 10U/50V R302 1K 3 2 4560 1 5 6 4560 7 h3 C407 C307 R303 101/C 82K R320 101/C 375 82K R403 U7A U7B C302 10P/C R330 20K CH4 R401 1k C401 R402 1k 100U/16V 101/C R300 82K HCH4R103 82K R120 375 HCH4+ R404 220/1W R405 100/1W 100U/16V C400 101/C R400 82K R203 82K R220 375 C C402 10P/C R430 20K 1 VR3B 20K U10A 3 2 4560 1 R417 10k 6 5 R407 10K U10B 4560 7 h4 B 10U/50V R420 375 A Title Size A4 Date: File: 1 2 3 Number MAXIMUS 4.80 Revision A 1/8 20-Jan-2005 D:\MAC\MAC480V15.Ddb Sheet of Drawn By: 4 REV1.4 1 2 +15v 3 4 CA201 D LOL LOL 10/25V RE201 10K RF202 470 D RG60 470 RH61 CC204 222/M IC8A 3 2 4560 1 LIL LIL 12V -15v ZDF1 5.6V RX1 RI1 1.2K QF1 C 4403 LED1 RLED LED2 GLED +15V RI2 3K JF1 1 2 3 4 5 6 CON3 R22 3K +15v CE101 LOR LOR 10u/25v RP101 10K 1K QB31 4401 QA32 4403 RY64 13K RB62 10K 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 10K CB202 RK204 62K RL203 10K 10/25V RJ205 51K CC1 222/M RL206 62K RD208 27K RC207 75K C LM13700 U900 RX65 100K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RM63 10K RS69 10K RR67 470 RT103 10K CF102 RV104 62K 10/25V RU105 51K CC2 222/M RQ102 470 RW106 62K 6 222/M IC8B 5 4560 7 LIR LIR CG104 RO108 27K RN207 75K JF2 -15V +15V h1 h2 h3 h4 LOL LIL LOR LIR 12V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CON14 B RCA1A RCA6 CH1 RCA1C RCA6 CH3 RCA1E RCA6 -15v JF4 HCH1+ 5 HCH14 3 HCH2+ 2 HCH21 CON5 JF5 HCH3+ 5 HCH34 3 HCH4+ 2 HCH41 CON5 B RCA1B RCA6 CH2 RCA1D RCA6 CH4 RCA1F RCA6 A Title Size A4 Date: File: 1 2 3 Number MAXIMUS 4.80 Revision A 2/8 20-Jan-2005 D:\MAC\MAC480V15.Ddb Sheet of Drawn By: 4 REV1.4 1 R113 0 2 3 R119 5 6 4 U3B C106 4560 F1 7 IN1 10U/50V R122 18K VR5A D PRE1 R116 R110 D C103 R123 22K 10P/C 10K R109 2 h1 R108 10k R121 6.8K R111 10K 3 U2A 4560 1 R114 5.6K 1 VR2A 50K 6 5 U2B 4560 7 R115 5.6K 10K C105 C104 SW1A 683/MET 683/MET VR2B 50K 1 0 1.5k R124 1.8k 1 20k C109 471/c 2 3 U3A 4560 1 R118 0 2P3T C108 184/MET C110 U13A 223/MET 3 2 4560 1 C R112 4.7k C R125 680k R213 0 R216 R210 R223 22K R209 B h2 R208 10k R221 R211 6.8K 5 10K 223/MET R225 6 C210 U13B 2 3 10K 683/MET U5A 4560 1 R214 5.6K 1 VR2C 50K 6 5 U5B 4560 7 R215 5.6K VR2D 50K 1 C203 10P/C 10K C205 C204 SW1B 683/MET 1 20k 0 R219 1.5K R224 1.8k VR5B 3 2 U6A C206 4560 R222 18K F2 1 IN2 10U/50V PRE2 C209 471/c B 6 5 U6B 4560 7 R218 0 2P3T C208 184/MET R212 4.7k 4560 7 680k A Title Size A4 Date: File: 1 2 3 Number Maximus Revision A 3/8 20-Jan-2005 D:\MAC\MAC480V15.Ddb Sheet of Drawn By: 4 REV1.5 1 R313 0 2 3 U9B R319 5 6 4560 4 C306 F3 7 IN3 10U/50V PRE3 R316 R310 D C303 R323 22K R309 2 h3 R308 10k R321 6.8K LOL

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