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File name:tv TCL Ch. M28 Service Mode (russian).pdf
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File name tv TCL Ch. M28 Service Mode (russian).pdf

TCL M28 h t t p : / / r a d i o x p r e s s . w z . c z TCL M28 . 1 3 Short Description PCB µComVid 40 2113MH MA d TCL-A19V01-TO 8821CPNG4GD9 TCL-A19V03-TO 8821CPNG4U88 TCL-A19V07-PO 8821CPNG5V5 TCL-A30V02-TO 8821CRNG4JB2 IR IC . Volume=0, VOL- DISP . . ­ D . . ( OPT). . D I2C . . Mute . , , , . , , DISP . 2 . Item RB GB BB GD BD HPOS HPS HIT HITS VP50 VP60 VLIN VLIS VSC VSS VBLK VCEN OSDH OSDHS CNTX CNTN BRTX BRTN COLX COLN TNTX TNTN BRTC COLC COLS COLP SCOL SCNT CNTC TNTC ST3 SV3 ST4 SV4 SVD Horizontal position 50Hz Horizontal position 60Hz Hauteur 50Hz Hauteur 60Hz Vertical position 50Hz Vertical position 60Hz V linearity 50Hz V linearity 60Hz VS correction 50Hz VS correction 60Hz V BLK Start /Stop V centering OSD vertical position 50Hz OSD vertical position 60Hz Contrast max Contrast min Lumiere max lumiere min couleur max Couleur min teinte max Teinte min lumiere centre Couleur centre NTSC Couleur centre SECAM Couleur centre PAL Sub Couleur Contrast centre teinte centre Nettete center 3.58 TV C 3.58 Vid Nettete center autre TV Nettete center autre Vid Nettete center DVD Description 14' 9F 99 80 40 40 0D 09 05 07 01 00 16 25 Vol 80 80 80 40 40 1 (Groupe 2) 0E 16 00 0A 02 00 16 20 3 (Groupe 3) 59 08 20 25 4F 00 28 28 40 4F 50 00 04 0F 40 4A 20 20 18 18 19 59 08 20 25 4F 00 28 28 4 (Groupe 4) 39 4F 50 00 04 0F 40 4A 5 (Groupe 5) 20 20 18 18 19 Options Byte Range 0 (Groupe 1) PDF pdfFactory Pro 20.10.2007 TCL M28 ASSH SHPX SHPN OPT FLG0 FLG1 STBY HD DELA MODE0 MODE1 MUTT STAT RF AGC SBY SRY BRTS TXCX RGCN SECD V25 V50 V100 SVM PYNX PYNN PYXS PYXN CLTO CLTM CLVO CLVD ABL DCBS DEF OSD1 OSDF1 OSD2 OSDF2 HAFC NOIS UCOM Groupe 6 OPT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 4, 5, 6 Option data Standby state, 0=hight stby, 1=low stby Korea PAL50 blink function, 1=enable,0=disable AV change, 1=mute, 0=pas de mute son quand pas de sync, 1=AFT, 0=pas AFT 0=50Khz, 1=25Khz au gain 0=normal, 1=mute video pendant changement ch 0=normal,1=mute son quand pas de sync TV 0=not used, 1=used D mode key VCO readjust quand pos select, 0=enable, 1=disable Hotel mode Hotel mode AV mode enter Hotel mode TV mode enter SLO fo shift N Buzz cancel Over mod APC 1=auto, 0=preset PIF select 001:45:75 MHz, 011 = 38.9 MHz, 100 = 39MH Asymetrie nettere nettete max 04 1A 1A 87 06 5A 0F 0C 16 15 00 00 20 08 08 00 1F 00 08 50 56 5C 00 28 18 22 1E 04 1A 1A . 2 3 6 (Groupe 6) Option data; Look Table Look Table Look Table Look Table Look Table Look Table standby, revei contrast up timer after standby off CAG HF SECAM B-Y black adj. SECAM R-Y black adj. Sub Bright shift data TEXT RGB contrast max RGCN TEXT RGB contrast min SECAM Mode Volume 25 Volume 50 Volume 100 SVM Normal H. Sync max Normal H. Sync min Search H. Sync max Search H. Sync min TV mode et sound sys! =M TV mode et sound sys =M Video

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