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File name:Roadstar-CD486 carradio.part1.rar
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File name Roadstar-CD486 carardio.pdf

CD-486 R Service Manual - CD-486 Product Assembly Listing Page 1 of 18 2003.09.13 Unit __ Qty __ Location Print Date: 2006.06.07 Product Name: Part Code ____ Assembly Code: Name/Description __ /_ _ __ OP0-02440002-01-00 1 0 1 0 1 _ L.R.SPK0 1._R.F- SP K0 1._R.R.SPK 0 1._R.F- SP K0 1_ 0 1 0 1_ 0 1_ 0 1 0 1_ 0 1_ 0 1 RCA OUT R/L 0 12 PCS 0 12 1 OP0-96CM6170-00-00 OS0-02440001-01-00 PW0-10350511-00-01 PW0-10350519-00-01 PW0-10350520-00-01 PW0-10350531-00-01 PW0-20190402-00-00 PW0-20190406-00-00 PW0-20190504-00-00 PW0-20220402-00-00 PW0-20220406-00-00 PW0-20220504-00-00 PW0-20450600-00-01 SK0-07031801-00-01 WE0-00000000-00-00 IS0-96CM6170-00-00 OS & OP WIRE A'SSY ISO___(7WX4_800MCU) OUT PLUG WITH WITE PCS _ 16P_____ ISO OUT PLUG WITHLINE PCS ISO_____ (7WX4) OUT SOCKET WITH WIRE PCS 16P_____ (___ ) TWIN WIRE AWG 20 L=5+350+5MM GREEN/ GREEN.BLACK PCS _ /___ PVC_ TWIN WIRE AWG 20 L=5+350+5MM WHITE/WHITE BLACK PCS _ /___ PVC_ TWIN WIRE AWG 20 L=5+350+5MM PURPLE/PURPLE BLACK PCS _ /___ PVC_ TWIN WIRE AWG 20 L=5+350+5MM GREY/GREY BLACK PCS _ /___ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 22 L=5+190+5MM RED PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 22 L=5+190+5MM BLUE PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 20 L=5+190+5MM YELLOW PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 22 L=5+220+5MM RED PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 22 L=5+220+5MM BLUE PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 20 L=5+220+5MM YELLOW PCS __ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 20 L=5+450+5MM BLACK PCS __ PVC_ AUDIO SOCKET RCA JACK 180MM WITH WIRE PCS __ RCA_ (___ )(__ ) PCS 4400RDS 16P ___ WE0-01000000-00-00 ISO OP & OS ISO___ WE0-02000000-00-00 FUSE VALUE END ______ PCS 0 6 18 __ : Product Assembly Listing Page 2 of 18 2006.01.07 Unit __ Qty __ Location Print Date: 2006.06.07 Product Number: Product Name: Part Code ____ Assembly Code: Name/Description __ /_ _ __ FC0-20215002-01-00 PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS 1 1 7 1 ___ 1 ___ 3 __ 1 __ PCS 1 ___ FC0-20309002-00-00 PW0-00030109-00-00 PW0-20080201-00-00 PW0-40130608-00-00 SK0-03050601-02-01 SK0-03080801-00-01 JPW-97CM6430-05-00 ____(7WX4) _CM6480-A2_ RIBBON WIRE AWG 30 2P L=3+150+3MM COLOUR ____ RIBBON WIRE AWG 28 3P L=3+90+3MM COLOUR ____ PVC WIRE AWG 28 L=3+30+3MM WHITE ___ PVC_ PVC WIRE AWG 26 L=3+80+3MM BROWN __ PVC_ SINGLE SHIELD WIRE D=1.8 L=3+130+3MM GREY _______ D TYPE CONNECTOR FEMALE PH=2.00MM 5P L=60+5MM D_________ D TYPE CONNECTOR FEMALE PH=2.0MM 8P L=80+3MM D_____ __ : Product Assembly Listing Page 3 of 18 2006.01.07 Unit __ Qty __ Location Print Date: 2006.06.07 Product Number: Product Name: Part Code ____ Assembly Code: Name/Description __ /_ _ __ AS0-00000000-03-00 PCS PCS PCS 1 1 ___ 1/___ 1 0 _____________ FB0-00722500-03-00 FB0-00955400-02-00 MPA-97CM6430-05-00 _______ (7WX4)CM6480-A2__ ANT SOCKET DUAL HOLE _____ FIBRE SHEET ___ FIBRE SHEET 02 ___ 02 FB0-92CE3010-01-00 PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS [CS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS 1 1 1 0 1 (LCD_________ ) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 __ 1 __ 1 PCS 0 _____ (_________ FB0-96CM6480-01-00 MP0-00000410-28-00 MP0-00000779-27-0

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