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Roadstar SPK5605 free download

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File name:Roadstar-SPK5605 actspk sys.pdf
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Model:SPK5605 🔎
Descr:active speakers system
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File name Roadstar-SPK5605 actspk sys.pdf

SPK-5605 R Service Manual - SPK-5605 BOM Item Item I/S I01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S S S S S S S S S S S S I S I I I I I S S C C S C C C S S I03 51 52 S I I04 162-PST1003-001 220-3006-2220 220-3008-1220 220-3012-1220 222-3R02000-00 502-TO220-201 199-0075 199-010 199-012 199-015 101-100-J52 101-102-J52 101-104-J52 101-223-J52 101-333-J52 101-472-J52 101-681-J52 101-750-J70 112-201-M610 112-300-M610 112-104-M610 115-104-M600 117-105-Z600 117-106-Z600 117-107-Z300 117-226-Z400 117-474-Z600 117-478-Z300 117-478-Z400 161-778-001351 160-TJC32A-001 160-TJC62A-001 160-TJC66A-001 166-100718-0200 166-100722-1200 166-100722-2200 166-100722-3200 166-100722-4200 166-100722-5200 180-A25PA2-001 154-YL330K-001 130-1N4002-001 130-1N5402-001 131-5R10-40 132-9014C-001 132-2N5551-001 134-TDA2030A-001 134-LM1875-001 207-H299-001 206-H299-001 Skip wire·7.5mm Skip wire·10mm Skip wire·12mm Skip wire·15mm RTX.,10,1/4W,±5% RTX.,1K,1/4W,±5% RTX.,100K,1/4W,±5% RTX.,22K,1/4W,±5% RTX.,33K,1/4W,±5% RTX.,4K7,1/4W,±5% RTX.,680,1/4W,±5% RTX.,75,1W,±5% Ceramic Capa.,CC1,200P,50V,SL,±20% Ceramic Capa.,CC1,30P,50V,SL,±20% Ceramic Capa.,CT1,0.1uF,50V,±20% Mylar,0.1uF,50V,±20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,1uF,50V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,10uF,50V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,100uF,25V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,22uF,25V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,0.47uF,50V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,4700uF,16V,+80%/-20% Elec.Capa.,CD11,4700uF,25V,+80%/-20% Shielding wire with jack,7P7W8P#01/350mm Jack,TJC3-2A Jack,TJC6-2A,3.96mm Jack,TJC6-6A,3.96mm UL1007,PVC,18AWG,200mm,black UL1007,PVC,22AWG,200mm,palm UL1007,PVC,22AWG,200mm,red UL1007,PVC,22AWG,200mm,orange UL1007,PVC,22AWG,200mm,yellow UL1007,PVC,22AWG,200mm,green Circuit board,amplifier board,A25(VER2),hinder light board,220*84mm Relay,YL-330K,loop:DC12V,160 ohm,:5A*3 Diode,1N4002[1A,100V] Diode,1N5402 [3A/100V] Regular tube,5V1,1/2W Audion,9014C [45V/0.1A/0.45W] Audion,2N5551[160V/0.6A/0.3W],TO-92,EBC IC,Transformer,TDA2030A IC,Transformer,LM1875 IC,black color Transformer stand, black color anti-heating,216mm,black color Screws,M3*6,black color Screws,M3*8,black color Screws,M3*12,black color spring cushion,3 cushion,15*25mm speaker stand component,H299V2 speaker stand,PST-1003 circuit board,speaker stand ,A25(VER2.1), remote component,H299V2 1 1 Part No. Material name and specification Insel/Back Weld Amplifier board component ,H299V2 5 12 8 6 7 7 1 16 2 1 7 2 5 1 13 7 2 1 1 7 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 8 1 3 2 5 2 1 2 1 4 4 4 4 7 Qty · 1 ··· 6 · BOM 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 I I I I I I I S S I I04 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 I I I I I I I I S S I S I I04 76 77 78 S S I I05 79 80 81 82 83 I I S S I 115-103-MH00 140-2D3R0-001 150-SRA-1101 161-220-001121 181-H299-023 Light,LED,3, Power switch,SRA-1101(1P1T) Wire with jack,2P2W#11/120mm Circuit board,power switch board,SW.BOARD Asse

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