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Kenwood VRSN8100 free download

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AUDIO VIDEO SURROUND RECEIVER VRS-N8100 SERVICE MANUAL © 2004-9 PRINTED IN KOREA B51-5925-00 (K/K) 1464 Knob Indicator (K29-8325-04) (B12-0480-04) Knob (K29-8336-03) Panel * (A60-) Escutcheon Knob (B07-2681-14) (K29-8326-03) Knob * (K29-) Sub panel (A22-1890-31) Phone jack Door * (E11-0946-05) (A52-) Pin jack (E63-1330-05) Pin jack (E63-1330-05) Optical receiving module (W02-4523-05) Front glass (B10-3970-02) Jack(others) (E68-0021-05) Escutcheon (B07-2683-13) Cylindrical receptacle (E56-0049-05) Pin jack (E63-1316-05) Metallic cabinet (A01-3915-01) Pin jack (E63-1315-05) Pin jack (E63-1337-05) Pin jack (E63-1293-05) Lock terminal board (E70-0195-05) Rectangular receptacle (E58-0062-05) COMPONENT VIDEO OUTPUT Y CB CR COMPONENT VIDEO INPUT (ASSIGNABLE) (VIDEO 2) SPEAKERS (6-8) IN 2 IN 1 DVD IN VIDEO 2 MONITOR IN OUT S VIDEO R L VIDEO IN VIDEO IN VIDEO OUT VIDEO IN ANTENNA DIGITAL IN (ASSIGNABLE) COAX 2 (VIDEO 2) (DVD) MONITOR OUT CENTER SURR R OPT 1 OPT 2 (VIDEO 1) (AUX) Y CB CR L SURR BACK SURR L /SW FM 75 GND AM COAX 1 (DVD) ETHERNET SUB WOOFER SURROUND BACK PRE OUT IN DVD PLAY IN REC OUT PLAY IN VIDEO 2 VIDEO 1 IN AUX R R FRONT L Pin jack Pin jack Pin jack (E63-1294-05) (E63-1339-05) (E63-1338-05) Pin jack (E63-1317-05) Tuner assy * Rectangular receptacle (W02-) (E58-0063-05) Foot Optic receving module (J02-1560-03) (W02-4524-05)x2 AC power cord * (E30-) Power cord bushing (J42-0349-05) 70% * Refer to parts list on page 36. VRS-N8100 ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONS Note for Servicing of the PC Control Unit (X17-1100-11) Each unit of VRS-N8100 has its own MAC (Media Access Control) address. The MAC address is written in IC202 of the PC Control Unit. This means that replacing the PC Control Unit or IC202 results in changing the MAC address of the unit. Therefore, when the PC Control Unit or IC202 is replaced, the user should be informed of the new MAC address. Also, the new MAC address should be recorded and maintained in the servicing record together with the serial number of the unit. The MAC address can be confirmed in item "IP" setting in the Setup Menu (Network Setup). Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): If you still have questions concerning the product after reading this manual, please consult the FAQ section on the KENWOOD website of your resident country (if necessary you can find a link to your local website on ). Software and Firmware update: The latest information and procedure to update your KENWOOD PC SERVER software and VRS-N8100 Firmware can be found in the "Technical Support" / "Service" section on the website of your resident country (if necessary you can find a link to your local website on ). The above-mentioned information is opened to the public. ACCESSORIES Remote control unit (1) For Europe RC-R0826E(A70-1651-05) For the U.S.A., Canada and Australia RC-R0826(A70-1650-05) AM loop antenna (1) (T90-0906-05) FM indoo

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