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Pioneer C72, C73 free download

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() qoruEEn' The luure ol sound and vEron. ,A otu ORDERNO. ARP2106 STEREOCONTROLAMPLIFIER G-72 c-73 Type KU/CA VERSIONS: MODELS C-72 AND C-73 HAVE FOLLOWING Applicablo model c-73 Powerrequirement AC120V only AC110V, 120V- 127V,220V, 240V (Switchable) Destinalion U.S.A. and Canada Kingdomol Saudi Arabia and General market o o o o AEZ HB AC220V, 240V (Switchable)+ WestGermany UnitedKingdom * 240V(Switchable) ACa2OV, * Change connection the power lead translormer wire. lhe ol . This manualis applicable the C-7ZKU|CA, C-73lHEz to SD, and HB types. o As to the C-72/SD type, refer to page 44. . As to the C-73|HBtype, reter to page 72. CONTENTS 2 I. SAFETYINFORMATION VIEWS,PACKINGAND PARTS LIST 2. EXPLODED (FOR C-72/KU/CA AND C-73/HEZTYPES) . . . . 't1 TYPE . 3. FOR C-72/KU/CA TYPE . . . 4, FORC.72|SD TYPE . . 5. FORC.73IHEZ TYPE . . . 6. FORC-73|HB . 7 . t c | N F o R M A T I O.N. . . . 44 45 72 73 rokvo153,Japan 4-1,Mesuro 1-chome'Mesuro-ku, PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 90801 US.A California LongBeach, INC' PO Box'1760, SERVICE PIONEER ELECTROIIICS Ontario 8E3Canada L3R Drive, Markham' lNC. 505Cochrane P|O|{EER ELECTnOICSOFCANADA, Belgium 1, N.V. Keetberglaan2740Beveren' PIOiIEER ELECTRONIC IEUROPEI TEL:[03]580-9911 3195, Australia Victoria Boundary Road, Braeside, euSrnnn pfv. LTrr. 178-184 P|ONEER ELEGTRON|cS 1990 o PIoNEER ETECTRONIC CORPORATION In sEv auc. lseo pnnred Japan . This service manual is intendedfor qualifiedservice technicians; is not it meant for the casualdo-it-yourselfer. oualified technicians havethe necessary test equipmentand tools, and have been trainedto properly and safely repaircomplex productssuchasthosecoveredby this manual. lmproperly performed repairscan adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void the warranty. lf you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you shouldnot risk trying to do so and refer the repairto a qualified service technician. WARNING Lead in solderusedin this product is listed by the california Healthand welfare agencyas a known reproductive toxicant which may causebirth defectsor other reproductivehaim (California Health& SafetyCode,Section 25249.5). when servicing handling or circuit boards and other components whichcontainleadin in solder, avoidunprotected skincontactwith the solder. Also,when soldering not inhale do any smokeor fumesproduced. 1. SAFETY INFORMATION F O RU S AM O D E L N L Y ) O l.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following check should be performed for the continued protectidn of the customer and service technician. LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK M e a s u r e l e a k a g ec u r r e n t t o a k n o w n e a r t h g r o u n d (water pipe, conduit, etc.) by connecting a leakage current tester such as Simpson Model 229-2 or equivalent between the earth ground and all exposed metal parts of the appliance (input/output terminals, screwheads. metal overlays, control shaft, etc.). plug t h e A C l i n e c o r d o f t h e a p

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