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SWR red head free download

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File name:swr red head preamp.pdf
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Model:red head 🔎
Descr:SWR red head pre amp
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600V 1A SWR RED HEAD PREAMP 1n 470k 1M 3M9 470k TL072 82k +200V 390p GAIN 4k7 100p 100k 22n 470k +15V 470n passive 12AX7 + TL072 aural enhancer 50k/A 1M 1k5 -15V 22k 100n 100k 10k 56k 1N4148 X 470k +15V +200V 12k/1W 170V~ 220V~ 1N4004 830/2W 7.5 7.5 +55V + 100uF + 1M 100/250V 100/250V + + from power amp supply 7.5 7.5 active + 100 to tuner 100uF -15V 1N4004 830/2W -55V +200V 10p X 1N4148 100p 22k 33k 1n 12AX7 TL072 Bass mid 68n treble 50k/B 100p 100k 22n 270k 180k + 33k TL072 * 100k/A 10p *50k/B * 220n 1k5 470 470n 270n TL072 + 100k 22n 1k 33n TL072 + 33k 680 turbo normal * 50k/B * 33k 100 33n effects send send 3k3 1N4148 X 3k3 27k effect blend 22k 39p 100p 10k 4k7 470k/B mid freq * * 50k/A 22k 47k + line-direct master double SPDT volume * toggle sw. 33k/A 470k 10k + 100 to amp +15V TL072 27k TL072 1N4002 82k effects return 100n 10k TL072 10k TL072 + 470k 33k pwr amp clip /4 LED1 BA10339 8 14 2k2 9 +15V +15V +15V 33k 1M 100k LED1 preamp clip 6 1 10 3 2k2 + 10p + 4k7 1M 1k5 unbalanced out +15V 4 X 2 BA10339 /4 8k2 13 BA10339 /4 5 7 BA10339 /4 11 12 390p * 50k/B XLR pad 1k5 o xlr balanced d.i. output 100k 10n gnd lift *

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