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McIntosh MA5100 free download

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File name:McIntosh-MA5100 amp.pdf
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Model:MA5100 🔎
Descr:integrated amplifier s.m.
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File name McIntosh-MA5100 amp.pdf

MA 5100 PREAMP - AMPLIFIER SERVICE INFORMATION S T A R T I N G WITH S E R I A L NO. 21HOO MA 5100 MclNTOSH LABORATORY INC. 2 CHAMBERS STREET BINGHAMTON, NEW Y O R K MA 5100 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power Output: 90 watts RMS continuous, 45 watts per channel operating simultaneously into 4 ohm or 8 ohm loads. 60 watts RMS continuous, 30 watts per channel operating simultaneously into 16 ohm loads. Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.25% at rated power output from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with both channels operating. Intermodulation Distortion: Less than 0.25% for any combination of frequencies from 2QHz to 20,000Hz if instantaneous peak power is 90 watts per channel or less into 4 or 8 ohm loads and 60 watts per channel or less into 16 ohm loads with both channels operating. Frequency Range: At rated output both channels: ±0.5dB 20Hz through 20,000Hz. Output Impedance: 4 ohm, 8 ohm, 16 ohm. Internal Impedance/Damping: Less than .04 ohms; damping factor greater than 100. Input Sensitivity And Impedance: Auxiliary, Tape, Tuner, and Tape Monitor: 300mV, 250K ohms. Phono 1 and Phono 2: 2mV, 47,000 ohms. Tape Head: 2mV, 1/2 megohm. Hum And Noise: High Level Inputs: 75dB below rated output. Low Level Inputs: 70dB below 10mV input. Power Amplifier: 90dB below rated output. Tape Output: 300mV at rated sensitivity, 1.4 volts with 10mV at phono input. Left Plus Right Output: Adjustable 0 to 6 volts from generator impedance of less than 5,000 ohms. Bass Controls: +18dB at 20Hz. Treble Controls: +l8dB at 20,000Hz. HF Filter: Flat, or 5,000Hz cutoff. LP Filter: Plat, or 50Hz cutoff. Power Requirements; 117 volts AC, 50-60Hz, 70 watts at zero signal output, 200 watts at rated output. No impedance switching required. MA 5100 MA 5100 B L O C K DIAGRAM MA 5 1 0 0 PREAMP. SECTION P R I N T E D C I R C U I T B O A R D 043-989 H E A V Y LINE SHOWS P R I M A R Y S I G N A L PATH PREAMP. SECTION MA 5100 154-411 H E A V Y LINE S H O W S P R I M A R Y SIGNAL PATH POWER OUTPUT SECTION MA 5100 154-376 MA 5 1 0 0 OUTPUT MONITOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 0 4 3 - 8 2 1 ( NOTE 1 ) LEFT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-919 RIGHT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT SECTION P R I N T E D CIRCUIT BOARD 043-919 MA 5100 FILTER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-990 FILTER SECTION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 043-990 FILTER SECTION MA5100 154-410 SCHEMATIC NOTES Unless otherwise specified: Resistance values are in ohms, 1/2 watt, and 10% tolerance; capacitance values smaller than 1 are in microfarads ( m f d ) ; capacitance values greater than 1 are in picofarads (pF) ; inductors are in microhenries (µH). Printed circuit board components are outlined on the schematics by dotted lines. The circled numbers on the dotted lines correspond to the numbers of the PC board layouts. The heavy lines on the schematics denote the primary signal path. The terminal numbering of rotary switches is for reference only. All voltages indicated on the schematics are measured under th

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