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WARRANTY STATION MAC 1500 STEREO RECEIVER SERVICE MANUAL CONTENTS INTRODUCTION FM ALIGNMENT CHART 1 2-3 MULTIPLEX DECODER ALIGNMENT CHART _ 4-5 SCHEMATIC TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS DIAL STRINGING 6-7 8 8 PARTS LIST 9-14 15 16 16 TOP AND BOTTOM VIEWS SPECIFICATIONS BLOCK DIAGRAM MAC1500 McINTOSH AUDIO COMPANY 2 Chambers St., Binghamton, N.Y. 13903 MAC 1500 STEREO RECEIVER INTRODUCTION All Mclntosh tuners are carefully aligned and tested at the factory using the finest available test equipment. All Mclntosh tuners will meet their published specifications when shipped from the factory. After extensive operation, especially when tubes have been replaced, it may be desirable to realign the timer circuits for best performance. This manual gives complete information on the circuit realignment procedure for the MAC 1500 receiver. The test equipment listed below (or its equivalent) is necessary to properly align a MAC 1500. The accuracy of the alignment will be directly related to the accuracy and calibration of the test equipment used. FM Signal Generator (Measurements 210A or equivalent) VTVM Multiplex Generator (RCA WR51A or equivalent) 10.7 MC Generator (Preferably crystal controlled) Oscilloscope (Hewlett -Packard 120B or equivalent) Harmonic Distortion Analyzer (Hewlett-Packard 330B or equivalent) If the necessary test equipment is not available, alignment should not be attempted. You may contact the Mclntosh Customer Service Department for additional information. Customer Service Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York Our telephone number is 723-5491 The direct dial area code is 607 1 MAC 1500 STEPS TUNER DIAL SETTING SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQ. COUPLING INDICATOR TYPE CONNECTED TO MODULATION 1 Point of no interference and no signal 10.7MC Through external .01 MFD capacitor to mixer grid (pin 4 or 6DS4, V2) SAME cw VTVM TP#1 SAME SAME SAME SAME Pin 1 of T4 2 3 4 5 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME TP#2 105MC 105MC 300 ohm antenna terminals with matching network* SAME SAME SAME SAME 400 cycles 75KC deviation (100% modulation) SAME SAME SAME SAME VTVM connected to TP#2 and. scope connected to L or R tape output SAME SAME SAME VTVM connected to TP#2; scope and distortion analyzer connected to L or R tape output See note ** at bottom of page 90MC 105MC 90MC 90MC 90MC 105MC 90MC 90MC 6 7 8 9 105MC and 90MC 105MC and 90MC 90MC SAME 50 cps 150KC deviation Approx. 5 microvolts at antenna terminals 400 cycles 75KC deviation (100% modulation) SAME 10 11 90MC SAME Scope connected to L or R tape output VTVM connected to TP#1 ; scope and distortion analyzer connected to L or R tape output 90MC 90MC SAME 2 FM ALIGNMENT ADJUST TEST LIMITS REMARKS Before making any adjustments, set the controls as follows: a) Input selector switch to FM mono, b) Volume control maximum CCW. c) Muting pot maximum CW. d) Muting OUT. e) Stereo light adjust maximum CW. Top (secondary) and bottom (primary) of T1.T2, T3 Prim

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