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amica ZIA6428 free download

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File information:
File name:Amica_ZIA6428_QG_FB.PDF
Size:942 kB
Model:ZIA6428 🔎
Descr:Бързо ръководство за ползване и описание на функционалните бутони на съдомиялна машина AMICA ZIA 6428
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Dishwashers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Amica_ZIA6428_QG_FB.PDF

A _ Attention Pleaseread the operatingmanualpriorto operatingthe machinefor the fi|st tjme. ztA6428 H+ E On/Offbr,'iton aid indlcator light A Rinse level light E Salt levelindicator E Display Elllme Delaybulton button E StarvPause I 0 A Haf Load(12) button seleciionbLdon E Programme Start the programme with ihe starl / pause button: Closethe door then prog.ammestaftsAfiention Avoid opening the door during the washing process.Tltis inlerruptsthe washingprocess,and hot steamwjll escape.When the door is closed,the will Programme coniinue. An audio signal with an intervalof 10 secondswarns you to switchyour machjneoff when the selectedwashing prog.amends. This audio signal warns you for a durationof 5 minutesand then turns off. Open the door Press the on/off butaon after the programmeis completed. The indicafoilightswillgo off. Close the water tap. Pull out the plug. Allow your dishesto cool for 15 minutes,with the door open. Unloadlhe dishes.Beginwith the lower basket. Open ihe watertap. Plugto the mairs. A Ogen the door and load the dishwasherCheck if both upper and lower sp.ay arms movefreely. Pour(Putin) Push in the on/of{buttonand check lhat the displaylightscomes on. Check the salt and rinse aid level indicatorsbeforeyou start the machine. I lf.ecessary add salt and rinse aid. Use the programme selectionbuttonto chooseyour wasftingprogramme. - When the.e are few dishes.additionallv use the Hali load bution. Il I ! 2 3 5 6 a ,ilii.. ":- Mini 30' 35'C Y 55'C 0 H+ 70'c Auto 55'C-65"C High High 35'C wash End -.\., .' .:, End Dry End 30 Dry End 15 71 Dry 0.80 9.6 12.4 170 ,'. 't,91 . ..!2. . .: 96 124 1,40 1T,2 124 I ti7 It2 130 1 , 0 01 , 2 5 9 6-184 1,00 12,4 Note! Durationof each programmay increaseby 15 minutesif water softeningunit regenerates. The consumption valuesshownin the tableweredetermined understandad conditions. thisreason, For deviations possible are underpractical conditions. t* Referenceprogramme test institutes fijf The lests in accordance with EN 50242 must be carriedout with 30 g. of detergent,a full salt containefof the water softener, full reservoirfor the .inse aid a and the testingprogramme. '10standardplace-setl ngs Load capacity: t;_l I t"''-l l*l i:i#i I On/oft button You turn your dishwasher on / off with this button. When turningon, the indicatorlight for the last used programmewill lightup. E Rinseaid tevelindicatorlight r--'l I I Fh; Start/Pause bufton You use this buttonto start the selectedprogramme;thelight on the buttonlightsup. You also use start/pause button to stop the selected programme. t- - . _-:_-] t 1 l%l T---:_l lr:'l |.v.I Half Load (l/2) bution When therearefewdishes,you pressthisbuttonafterpressing the programme selectionbutton.When turningthe dishwasher on, the indicator lighton the buttonlightsup. Thisfunctionhelps you to save water and energy. Display Water hardness level and Time Delay for the selected programme displayed. are Il @ lf ind

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