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Air conditioning and climatization devices

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File name Mitsubishi MSH-07NV uk.PDF

This Servise Manual OB207 deals with MSH-07/09/12/18/24NV-E1, MUH-07/09/12/18/24NV-E1, MSH-18NV-E2, and MUH-18NV-E2 in OB176 REVISED EDITION-A issued in July in1997. Therefore, please refer to OB207, not to OB176 REVISED EDITION-A, for the above models. SPLIT-TYPE,HEAT PUMP AIR CONDITIONERS No. OB207 SERVICE MANUAL Wireless type Models MSH-07NV MSH-09NV MSH-12NV MSH-18NV MSH-24NV MSH-07NV MSH-09NV MSH-12NV MSH-18NV MSH-24NV MSH-18NV - E1 (WH) E1 (WH) E1 (WH) E1 (WH) E1 (WH) E2 (WH) E2 (WH) E2 (WH) E2 (WH) E2 (WH) E3 (WH) · · · · · · · · · · · MUH-07NV MUH-09NV MUH-12NV MUH-18NV MUH-24NV MUH-07NV MUH-09NV MUH-12NV MUH-18NV MUH-24NV MUH-18NV - E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E3 CONTENTS 1. TECHNICAL CHANGES ····································2 2. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS······················3 3. SPECIFICATION·················································6 4. OUTLINES AND DIMENSIONS ······················ 11 5. WIRING DIAGRAM ··········································15 6. REFRIGERANT SYSTEM DIAGRAM ··············24 7. PERFORMANCE CURVES ······························29 8. MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL ····················33 9. SERVICE FUNCTIONS ····································44 10. TROUBLESHOOTING······································47 11. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS·····················60 12. PARTS LIST······················································70 13. OPTIONAL PARTS ····································BACK MSH-18NV MSH-18NV MSH-18NV - E1 E2 E3 Refer to the Service Manual OB185 when MSH-07/09/12NV- E1 , MSH-07/09/12/18NV- E2 , and MSH-18NV- E3 are connected with MXZ-32NV- E1 as multi system units. 1 TECHNICAL CHANGES MSH-17NV - E1 MSH-07NV - E2 1. Indoor electronic control P.C.board has changed. However, it is compatible between E1 and E2 models. 2. Auto restart function is added. MSH-09NV - E1 MSH-09NV - E2 1. Indoor electronic control P.C.board has changed. However, it is compatible between E1 and E2 models. 2. Auto restart function is added. MSH-12NV - E1 MSH-12NV - E2 1. Indoor electronic control P.C.board has changed. However, it is compatible between E1 and E2 models. 2. Auto restart function is added. MSH-18NV - E2 MSH-18NV - E3 1. Indoor electronic control P.C.board has changed. However, it is compatible between E2 and E3 models. 2. Auto restart function is added. MSH-24NV - E1 MSH-24NV - E2 1. Indoor electronic control P.C.board has changed. However, it is compatible between E1 and E2 models. 2. Auto restart function is added. 2 2 PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS INDOOR UNIT MSH-07NV - E1 MSH-09NV - E1 MSH-12NV - E1 MSH-07NV - E2 MSH-09NV - E2 MSH-12NV - E2 MSH-18NV MSH-24NV MSH-18NV MSH-24NV MSH-18NV - E1 - E1 - E2 - E2 - E3 (When the front panel is open) MSH-07NV - E1 MSH-09NV - E1 MSH-07NV - E2 MSH-09NV - E2 MSH-18NV - E1 MSH-24NV - E2 MSH-24NV - E1 MSH-18NV - E3 MSH-12NV - E1 MSH-12NV - E2 MSH-07NV - E1 MSH-07NV - E2 MSH-09NV - E1 MSH-09NV - E2 MSH-12NV - E1 MSH-12NV - E2 MSH-18NV - E2 MSH-18

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