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PIONEER PIONEER DEH-2200UB(2250) free download

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ORDER NO. CRT4455 DEH-2200UB/XSEW5 CD RDS RECEIVER DEH-2200UB DEH-2200UBB/XSEW5 DEH-2220UB/XSEW5 DEH-2210UB/XSUR Model No. CX-3269 /XSEW5 This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s): Order No. CRT4488 Mech. Module S11iPod/USB Remarks CD Mech. Module : Circuit Descriptions, Mech. Descriptions, Disassembly For details, refer to "Important Check Points for Good Servicing". PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760, U.S.A. PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936 PIONEER CORPORATION 2009 K-ZZZ. SEPT. 2009 Printed in Japan 1 2 3 4 SAFETY INFORMATION A This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualified service technician. Where in a manufacturer's service documentation, for example in circuit diagrams or lists of components, a symbol is used to indicate that a specific component shall be replaced only by the component specified in that documentation for safety reasons, the following symbol shall be used: B - Safety Precautions for those who Service this Unit. When checking or adjusting the emitting power of the laser diode exercise caution in order to get safe, reliable results. Caution: 1. During repair or tests, minimum distance of 13 cm from the focus lens must be kept. 2. During repair or tests, do not view laser beam for 10 seconds or longer. C CAUTION: USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. CAUTION CLASS 1M INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN. DO NOT VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS D WARNING! The AEL (accessible emission level )of the laser power output is less than CLASS 1 but the laser component is capable of emitting radiation exceeding the limit for CLASS 1. A specially instructed person should do servicing operation of the apparatus. Laser diode characteristics Wave length : 785 nm to 814 nm Maximum output : 1 190 µW(Emitting period : unlimited) E Additional Laser Caution Transistors Q101 in PCB drive the laser diodes. When Q101 is shorted between their terminals, the laser diodes will radiate beam. If the top cover is removed with no disc loaded while such short-circuit is continued, the naked eyes may be exposed to the laser beam. F 2 DEH-2200UB/XSEW5 1 2 3 4 5
File name DEH-2250UB.pdf

ORDER NO. CRT4478 CD RECEIVER DEH-2200UB DEH-2250UB/XSES /XSUC This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s) listed below. For the parts numbers, adjustments, etc. which are not shown in this manual, refer to the following manual(s). Model No. DEH-22UB/XSUC CX-3269 Order No. CRT4454 CRT4488 Mech. Module Remarks S11iPod/USB CD Mech. Module : Circuit Descriptions, Mech. Descriptions, Disassembly PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760, U.S.A. PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936 PIONEER CORPORATION 2009 K-ZZZ. SEPT. 2009 Printed in Japan 1 2 3 4 SAFETY INFORMATION WARNING A This product may contain a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Health & Safety Code Section 25249.6 - Proposition 65 EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST PACKING(Page 32) PACKING SECTION PARTS LIST Mark B *:Non spare part DEH-22UB/XSUC CEG1173 BPZ20P060FTC YEA5072 CRZ50P090FTC YHG5557 YHL5557 YHP5071 YHP5072 CRY1276 YRD5305 Not used DEH-2200UB/XSUC CEG1173 BPZ20P060FTC YEA5072 CRZ50P090FTC YHG5556 YHL5556 YHP5071 YHP5072 CRY1276 YRD5301 Not used DEH-2250UB/XSES QEG3001 Not used YEA5082 Not used YHG5533 YHL5533 YHP5069 YHP5070 Not used YRD5302 YXB5009 No. 1 4 7 9 11 12 13 Description Polyethylene Bag Screw Screw Assy Screw Unit Box Contain Box Protector Protector Warranty Card Owner's Manual Case Assy C * 14 15-1 15-2 16 Owner's Manual Part No. YRD5301 YRD5302 D Language English, French, Spanish(Espanol) English, Spanish(Espanol), Portuguese(B), Traditional Chinese, Arabic EXTERIOR(1)(Page 34) EXTERIOR(1) SECTION PARTS LIST E Mark No. 7 24 25 Grille Unit Knob Unit Description Detachable Assy DEH-22UB/XSUC YXA5680 YXA5688 YXC5124 DEH-2200UB/XSUC YXA5668 YXA5643 YXC5123 DEH-2250UB/XSES YXA5669 YXA5641 YXC5123 EXTERIOR(2)(Page 36) EXTERIOR(2) SECTION PARTS LIST Mark F No. 7 10 17 Description CD Mechanism Module(S11) Tuner Amp Unit Holder DEH-22UB/XSUC CXK5870 YWM5449 YND5045 DEH-2200UB/XSUC DEH-2200UB/XSUC CXK5860 YWM5429 YND5045 DEH-2250UB/XSES CXK5860 YWM5430 YND5043 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST(Page 66) TUNER AMP UNIT Circuit Symbol and No. D601 D602 CN941 R676 R677 R680 R941 R942 C941 C942 Part Name Diode Diode Connector DEH-22UB/XSUC Not used Not used Not used Not used RS1/16SS473J RS1/16SS273J Not used Not used Not used Not used DEH-2200UB/XSUC Not used Not used Not used RS1/16SS473J Not used RS1/16SS273J Not used Not used Not used Not used DEH-2250UB/XSES RB551V-30 RB751V-40 CKS4124 Not used RS1/16SS473J Not used RS1/10SR102J RS1/10SR102J CKSRYB103K50 CKSRYB103K50 B A For the information of the parts that are added to this model, please refer to the following manual (CRT4454). KEYBOARD UNIT Circuit Symbol a

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