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Now downloading free:Roadstar CTV1010XKLT

Roadstar CTV1010XKLT free download

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File name ROADSTAR_CTV_1010_XKTL.pdf

CTV-1010XKTL Service Manual - CTV-1010XKTL R 4. Alignment 4-1 Preadjustment 4-1-1 Factory Mode and Adjustments 1. Do not attempt these adjustments in the VIDEO mode. 2. The Factory Mode adjustments afe necessary when either the EEPROM(QO02) or the CPT is replaced. 3. Do not tamper with the "Adjustment" screen of the Factory Mode menu. The screen is intended only for factory use. 4-1-2 When EEPROM (0002) is replaced 1. When QO02 is replaced ali adjustment data revert to their initial values. It is necessary to reprogram this data. 2. After QO02 is replaced, warm up the TV for 10 seconds. 4-1-3 When CPT is replaced 1. Make the following the adjustments after setting up purity and convergence: White Balance Vertical center Vertical size Horizontal size 4-2 Factory I Servi ce Mode 4-2-1 Procedure for the "Adjustment" ; Mode 1. This mode uses the standard remote control. The Factory (Service) Mode is activated by pressing the"Factory"key on the remote control. 2. The Factory Mode will be displayed. The Factory Mode has six components : VCO ADJ, SCR ADJ, HRS, HEIGHT, W. Bal, AGC Auto. 3. Access the Adjustment Mode by pressing the VOLUME keys (Up or Down). The adjustment Parameters adjusted afe listed in the accompanying table, and they afe selected by pressing the PROGRAM keys (Up or Down). 4. The VOLUME keys increase or decrease the adjustment values. -~ 4-2-2 Servi ce Adjustment Function PIF VCO Screen voltage Horizontal SHIFT Vcrtical Amplitude REO Gain Green Gain Blue Gain REO Cutoff Green Cutoff Blue Cutoff Auto Gain Contrai Wide PIF VCO Narrow PIF VCO Auto Gain Contrai Parameter OSD Abbreviation VCO ADJ SCR ADJ HRS HEIGHT R-H G-H B-H R-L G-L B-L AGC Auto VCO CORS VCO Fine AGC Manual O -63 O -63 O -63 O -63 O -63 0-511 O -511 0-511 O -63 O -15 O -127 0-63 32 32 35 35 35 380 380 380 47 8 64 47 Range O -127 Initial Date 64 4-3 Other Adjustments 4-3-1 Generai Alignment Instructions 1. Usually, a colar TV needs only slight to.uch-up adjustment upon installation. Check the basic characteristics such as height. horizontal and vertical sync and focus. 2. Observe the picture far good black and white details. There should be no objectionable .colar, shading: if colar shading is present, perform the purity and convergence adjustments described below. 3. Use the specified test equipment or its equivalent. 4. Correct impedance matching is essential. 5. Avoid overload. Excessive signal from a sweep generator might overload the front-end of the TV. When inserting signal markers. do not allow the marker generator to distort test results. 6. Connect the TV only to an AC power source with voltage and frequency as specified on the back cover nameplate. 7. Do not attempt to connect or disconnect any wires while the TV is turned on. Make sure that the power cord is disconnected before replacing any parts. 8. To protect against shock hazard, use an isolation transformer. 4-3-2 Automatic Degaussing A degaussing coil is mounted around the picture

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