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Now downloading free:mesaboogie dual rectifier 3 ch

mesaboogie dual rectifier 3 ch free download

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File name:mesa boogie_dualrectifier_3ch_solo_head.pdf
[preview dual rectifier 3 ch]
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Model:dual rectifier 3 ch 🔎
Descr:full schematic
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio > Professional
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File name mesa boogie_dualrectifier_3ch_solo_head.pdf

3ch Solo Head Preliminary Schematic 3 CHANNEL DUAL / TRIPLE RECTIFIER SOLO HEAD FRONT PANEL CHANNEL 1 (GREEN) Control Function Type Gain Pot Knob Master Pot Knob Presence Pot Knob Treble Pot Knob Middle Pot Knob Bass Pot Knob Cln/Pushed Switch Green LED LED Lens CHANNEL 3 (RED) Control Function Type Gain Pot Knob Master Pot Knob Presence Pot Knob Treble Pot Knob Middle Pot Knob Bass Pot Knob Raw/Vtg/Mdrn Switch Red LED LED Lens CHANNEL 2 (ORANGE) Control Function Type Gain Pot Knob Master Pot Knob Presence Pot Knob Treble Pot Knob Middle Pot Knob Bass Pot Knob Raw/Vtg/Mdrn Switch Orange LED LED Lens MISC PARTS Control Function Type Input Jack Output Pot Knob Solo Pot Knob Pilot Light Bulb Lens Light Holder Standby Switch Power Switch Mesa Part# 593792 408110 593792 408110 592738 408110 593148 408110 593736 408110 593148 408110 607101 395538 703300 Mesa Part# 592794 408110 593792 408110 593737 408110 592738 408110 593737 408110 593739 408110 607303 395433 703300 Mesa Part# 592794 408110 593792 408110 592151 408110 592738 408110 593737 408110 593148 408110 607303 395753 703300 Mesa Part# 610120 593148 408110 593148 408110 703047 703782 703850 602112 602112 REAR PANEL MISC PARTS MISC PARTS 3 CHANNEL DUAL / TRIPLE RECTIFIER SOLO HEAD Control Function Slave Type Mesa Part# 592378 408111 618112 618112 608110 408111 618112 618112 593736 408113 593737 408113 608226 408111 613607 Control Function External Swtch (5) Bias Select Select Grn LED Red LED Rectifier Select Bold/Spongy Fuse Holder Domestic Type Jack Switch LED LED Switch Switch Mesa Part# 618112 602000 395550 395520 602112 600115 790347 790403 790346 795200 613713 Pot Knob Jack Speaker Outs (5) Jack FX Loop Assign Rotary Sw Knob Send Jack Return Jack Send Level Pot Knob Mix Level Pot Knob Channel Select Rotary Sw Knob Foot Switch Jack Cap/Holder Fuse Export Cap/Holder Fuse AC Receptacle Jack

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