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Now downloading free:UEC DSD910

UEC DSD910 free download

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File information:
File name:UEC DSD910 Power Supply Addenum 1.txt
Size:0 kB
Model:DSD910 🔎
Descr:UEC DSD910 Power Supply Addenum 1. The DSD910 power supply is the same for DSD9xx series.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Power supply
Multipart:No multipart

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File name UEC DSD910 Power Supply Addenum 1.txt

LP1 should be on N, while LP2 should be on L. D5 cathode and C10 junction should be connected to junction of BD1 and T1, not junction of BD1 and Q1 Drain. D7 may be a SRAF560. D8 may be a SR36. D10 and D11 may be SF26 in some models. BD2 may be shunted in some models. Components for +7.5V and +30V rails may not be fitted in some models. The whole circuit covers all DSD9xx models.

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