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Model:STV 21-200 🔎
Original:CTU-AA 🔎
Descr:Service Manual
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SERVICE MANUAL CHASSIS CTU-AA 1. Technical specifications CHASSIS CTU - AA Mains voltage Power cons. at 220V~ Aerial input impedance Min. aerial input VHF Min. aerial input UHF Max. aerial input VHF/UHF Pull-in range colour sync. Pull-in range horizontal sync. Pull-in range vertical sync. Picture tube range : 220 - 240 V ± 10% AC; 50 Hz (±5%) : 35 W (14''), 50W (20''/21''), 3W (Stand-By) : 75 - coax : 30µV : 40µV : 180mV : ± 300Hz : ± 600 Hz : ± 5 Hz : 14'' / 20'' / 21`' : Mono: 25 1W (14''), 16 2W (20''/21'') : Stereo : 2x16 2x4W (21'')+ TV Systems : : : : PAL BG PAL I PAL BG / SECAM BG DK PAL BG I / SECAM BG L L' Indications : On screen display (OSD) green and menu : 1 LED (red in ON and blinking red in stand-by) : 99 : VST VCR programs Tuning and operating system UV1315A / IEC (VST) : VHFa: 48 - 168 MHz : VHFb: 175 - 447 MHz : UHF: 455 - 855 MHz : UHF: 455 - 855 MHz : Vol/Prog, +, -, contrast, colour, brightness and sharpness (and hue on program AV with NTSC signal). U1343A / IEC (VST) Local operating functions 2. Connection facilities Euroconector: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 Audio Audio Audio Audio Blue Audio Blue CVBS status 1 Green 11 - Green Red Red - R (0V5 RMS ó 1K ). R (0V2 - 2V RMS ò 10K ). L ( 0V5 RMS ó 1K ). 17 18 19 20 21 - CVBS CVBS CVBS CVBS Earthscreen. ( 1Vpp 75W ). ( 1Vpp/75W ). L (0V2 - 2V RMS ò 10K ). (0V7pp/75W ). (0-2V int., 10-12V ext.). (0V7pp/75W ). Head phone: (0V7pp/75W ). (0-V4 int.) (1-3V ext. 75W ). 8 to 600. Mono : 25mW at 32 Stereo : 2x 6mW at 32. 3,5mm ø. 16 - RGB status 3 3. Mechanical instructions For the main carrier two service positions are possible (3.1). A: For faultfinding on the component side of the main carrier. B: For (de) soldering activities on the copper side of the main carrier. Position A can be reached by first removing the mains cord from it's fixation, then loosen the carrier lips (1) and then pulling the carrier panel (2) for approximately 10cm. Position B can be reached from position A after disconnecting the degaussing cable. Put the carrier on the line transformer side. Fig. 3.1 Fig. 3.2 4 4. Oscillograms 5 5. Print Board Layout +3V3A 8 1 7685 24C04 3 4 2 7015 +3V3 * * * * 7 6 5 3628 RC5 100R E35 9682 STBY P1.3 SCL E32 D31 3682 5K6 1 3684 2K2 64 3685 2K2 2628 100N - TV PROCESSOR - MICROCONTROLER - TXT SDA_2 SCL_2 2 +45 TP33 3 P1.7/SDA 3607 * +3V3 3606 * 22K 5607 10U 3621 9621 POR RES 33P 2603 * 9613 33P 2604 * +3V3 A5 VHFIII P3.3 9664 8 OSCGND 57 +3V3 9695 +3V3 +3V3 9536 +3V3 +3V3 RES D29 3618 * +3V3A 9618 3656 * +3V3A TP17 22K 6 P3.1/ADC1 XTAL_OUT 59 C3 9665 INT/EXT P3.2 XTAL_IN C4 7 1679 12MHz 58 MUTE 3629 1K 1K5 5 ADC1 RESET 60 TP34 4 61 9656 10K 2623 100U 2622 100N +3V3A +3V3 TPMW VDDP 7605 * PMBT2369 INT1 62 3601 1K5 P1.6/SCL SDA 3602 1K5 63 * 6602 HZT33 2602 10U 3603 24K 3604 * 3611 * 3610 * A1 V_VARI 10K 2611 220N 15K 2610 220N 150 3605 220K C2 KEYBOARD 3612 C30 * * * 6. Electrical Diagram 10K 9 VSSC/P VDDC 56 2613 100N 5602 +3V

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