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File information:
File name:Chasis_NC95K.PDF
Size:326 kB
Model:CMT-9722 🔎 CMT9722
Original:NC-95H/K 🔎
Descr:Subo los diagramas de este TV y estoy necesitando el programa de la memoria NM93C46 para este mismo TV
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Chasis_NC95K.PDF

I POüÉR strt .-rL- vCrL+ sa2 J.- voLsw3 É¡= cH+ sll/t -rLt cHSS P'LoDE Slt6, W/CAW sm APl, slt8 PRE-AIIP i r¡to B+ DATA' 0 : -a; *; ;i R8o2 ."o, xmiSH-v c8i.t o.oo2zl5oov 88 tod¡-o-ov . rr_, R805 150 D6O7 'ls247l ..?331'\,;t? COI{TRAST POIIER |' Ttt¡T COLOñ \OI.UUE " :| TVIVIDEO SHARPNESS T¡U]E 2/0 . NM93C46N TTEK AF'T , H-S'i1¡C INT ouTr OUTz ,cuTt Sl XOUT x fN lEsf o5c2 I oscr tsiitt 2'att R4 l 2..2XI LA I I tN'r irz tN3 z2x i zxl R7 l n{,r s¡h,v w r) h 0c */d!UFü 'f " Y a ero('( TUNER R O E PRol¡ cs Vs t 1621 C625 RC2V 0.85uH 1¡9p7 1K or' | l) e v | L=:::::3!I ñ52 C,+6 .001 75OU,/v |¡FUT AilT SI{IE¡J BOX - a¿- \ f \ | i' | i - . "Il . i : .i,. !, jrl _¿l C* 95K' ;OHASSIS ' ; . " SCHIMATIC DIAGRAM , " BASIC , : ,L]'fn Q5 cJl9E- 6vo-o f, l-. t ¡ . I r-n rs247r *?K,/ | t t- _ _ + r p _ | Pln oir !¡___

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