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Now downloading free:TV chino Tmpa8829

TV chino Tmpa8829 free download

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File information:
File name:Color-Tv-China-Tmpa8829Strg9656.pdf
[preview Tmpa8829]
Size:368 kB
Mfg:TV chino
Model:Tmpa8829 🔎
Descr:TV chino l modelo es similar al TV PANDA de 29" modelo CB2905
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Color-Tv-China-Tmpa8829Strg9656.pdf

Circuit Diagram of TMPA8829-E-KD Color TV Receiver A2 R213 100KO V201 2SC3619 R229 1KO XP201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R G B GND VM GND +9V R230 1KO R205 R227 100 R206 220 R207 56 C202 470 560 C211 100 R226 100 R202 560 R203 56 C201 470 V203 2SC3619 VD202 1SS131 Text R217 2 KR KG KB A3 Text R220 1.2KO R792 5.6KO R793 11KO R794 16KO FILGND FIL FOCUS G1 G2 EHT A1 FROM A 3 XP701 S701 XS701 1 2 3 FROM A 3 XP702 FROM A 2 XP201 VD201 V202 2SC1815Y R204 470 1SS131 R215 15KO R218 1.2KO 2 SV FV HV 1 2 XS702 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XS201 S702 L102 1uH U101 TDL-3N1 VD713 uPC574 C721 10uF C722 0.01 R727 33KO VD704 1SS133 VD714 1SS133 R729 33KO R728 33KO C719 0.1 C718 0.1 R736 470 C728 33uF 16V C727 1uF 16V R738 560KO R791 470 VD710 HRF205 R739 680 C714 100 R721 330 62 SYNC 61 SCL2 60 VT 59 PWM 58 SCL1 57 SDA1 56 SIF 55 AV DD 54 AGND 53 TV GND 52 B OUT 51 50 R OUT 49 RGB Vcc 48 IK IN R737 68KO C726 180 V704 2SA1015Y R734 3.9KO R735 12KO C725 1500 C724 2700 R726 33KO R725 330 C717 220 R723 1KO R724 22KO C716 330 N701 ATM24C08 1 A0 2 A1 3 A2 4 GND R102 120 R104 910 AGC VT BU BH BL MB IF R103 100 C109 1000 R105 3.3KO R106 560 C112 0.01 R108 220 C111 0.022 Z101 D1036C1 R201 560 S703 B5 +9V Text R216 TO A1 XS201 2 15KO S704 ! R795 30KO R796 110KO S705 B8 +32V V101 2SC1906 1 2 5 4 R219 1.2KO XP702 2 GND S706 VDD GND 15KO C209 1000 2KV L202 10uH +200V + C204 AQU 1 KEY R717 47 C712 0.01 R716 10KO SCL TO A1 XS702 SDA V204 2SC1815Y R208 470 V702 2SC1815Y R109 2.2MO C103 0.1 C113 0.01 R101 91KO C101 4.7uF 16V C105 C106 0.47uF 0.47uF 16V 16V C114 47uF 16V R107 33 C212 100 XP401 1 2 TO 8 C713 10uF 16V 7 6 5 C102 0.01 L111 47uH B6 +5V V205 2SC3619 R231 1KO R209 R228 100 R210 560 R211 56 C203 470 VD205 1SS131 + VD203 1SS131 R214 15 V207 2SC2120Y 4.7uF 250V R271 OPEN A2 XS401 HEATER 3 GND 4 C781 10uF 16V XP701 R798 10 1 N703 HS0038 B5 +9V V703 2SC1815Y R732 22KO VD705 R714 R731 10KO R746 10KO 1SS133 10KO B6 +5V 560 V206 2SC1815Y 2 3 3 3 +5V 2 GND L201 10uH R221 1KO R222 + R212 470 R225 3.3kO C213 100 V208 2SC1015Y XS205 XP205 TO A1 XS701 R799 1 REMO 470 R733 3.9KO VD706 1SS133 L702 10uH C707 C708 10uF 0.01 16V R513 270 C519 10 C518 10 R512 270 C517 10 L501 10uH C508 100uF 16V R112 10KO L104 12uH C126 0.01 C128 0.01 C127 0.22uF 16V 38 DE-EMP C603 4.7uF 37 REG FIL. 36 IF VCC(+5V) C125 100uF 16V R111 100 C124 0.47uF 16V 35 PIF PLL 34 DC NF C123 1000 C602 10uF 16V 33 H.COTT/SIF IN R605 100 R122 1.5MO R606 2.2KO V603 2SA1015Y R719 10KO L502 10uH R511 270 C515 0.01 C514 100uF 16V R509 1.8KO C512 0.22uF 16V C513 2200 R507 30KO 47 APC FILTER 46 BLACK DET 45 Vsm OUT R506 220KO C511 1uF 16V R508 100 44 C509 0.01 910 VD204 1SS131 C723 27 R742 100 64 POWER R741 1kO 63 REMOTE R110 3.3KO T101 TRF0459 43 RF AGC 42 IF IN 41 IF IN 39 IF AGC R264 330 15 XP804 +130V GND +12V L200 10uH R233 2.2KO R232 1KO + C222 4µ 7F 16V R240 1.8KO R246 1 C221 0.01 V210 2SC1815Y R235 R234 470 150 V213 2SC2655Y + C226 4µ

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