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Dell P992 free download

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File name Dell992b.pdf

P992 SERVICE MANUAL US Model Canadian Model Chassis No. SCC-L42A-A AEP Model Chassis No. SCC-L42E-A N. Hemisphere Model S. Hemisphere Model Equator Model Japan Model Chinese Model Chassis No. SCC-L42B-A CRV CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Screen dimensions Preset Image Size 4:3 AC input voltage / frequency / current Diagonal 17.32 inches (440 mm) Horizontal 13.86 inches (352 mm) Vertical 10.39 inches (264 mm) Diagonal 17.97 inches (456.4 mm) Horizontal 14.37 inches (365 mm) Vertical 10.79 inches (274 mm) 0.24 - 0.25 mm 90° AR Coating Inrush current at 120 V Inrush current at 240 V Physical Characteristics Connector type Signal cable type Dimensions: Height Width Depth Weight (monitor only) Weight (with packaging) Environmental Temperature: Operating Nonoperating Humidity: Operating Nonoperating Altitude: Operating Nonoperating Thermal dissipation 100 to 240 VAC / 50 or 60 Hz ± 3 Hz / 2.0 A (RMS) at 120 VAC and 1.0 A (RMS) at 220 VAC 50 A 80 A Viewable Image Size (VIS) Aperture Grille Pitch Deflection angle Faceplate coating Resolution Horizontal scan range Vertical scan range Optimal preset resolution Highest preset resolution Highest addressable resolution* 15-pin D-subminiature Attached to monitor 471 mm (18.54 inches) 451 mm (17.76 inches) 461 mm (18.15 inches) 25.5 kg (56.1 lb) 30.0 kg (66.0 lb) 30 kHz to 107 kHz (automatic) 48 Hz to 170 Hz (automatic) 1024 x 768 at 85 Hz 1600 x 1200 at 85 Hz 1920 x 1200 at 75 Hz * Addressable means the monitor will sync up to this mode. However, Dell does not guarantee the image will be sized and centered correctly. Dell guarantees image size and centering for all preset modes listed in the following table. Electrical Video input signals Synchronization input signals 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C) -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) 10% to 80% (noncondensing) 5% to 90% (noncondensing) 3,048 m (10,000 ft) 10,675 m (35,000 ft) 461 BTU/hour (maximum) 427 BTU/hour (typical) Analog, 0.7 Vpp, positive at 75 ohm Separate horizontal and vertical; and composite TTL level, positive or negative Sync on Green at 0.3 Vp-p P992 COLOR MONITOR R T602 :SRT AC IN CN600 AC L NC AC N 1 2 3 1 F601 LF602 :LFT TH600 RY602 D625 AC RECT 9 10 200V 11 D D.TILT XSC IC701 CY AMP 3 DEFLECTION , HDF, VDF, HV, POWER SUPPLY 80V IC603 SW REG CONT 12 15V 4 DGC CN601 DGC DGC 1 4 TH601 RY601 +15V L601 PROTECT Q601, 602 POWER S602 VIN OOB DRIVER ISENS BOOST SW Q605 5 13 14 5 3 14 15 16 7V 6V ­15V 3.3V INA­ INA+ INB+ INB­ IOUTA OUTA OUTB IOUTB 1 2 8 9 3.3V 1 2 IC703 ROTATION DRIVE CN701 + ­ 4 4 6 ROTATION DEM VAUX RELAY DRIVE Q608 9 13 6 7 2 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 ROTATION+ ROTATION­ XSC­ XSC+ YSC­ YSC+ XDC­ XDC+ YDC­ YDC+ 7 40V YSC VCTRL DS 6V IC607 6V 2 1 IC605 5V REG 4 1 RY603 4 Vcc CTL OUT 5V DC CONTROL Q606 IC702 CY AMP 5 6 4 3 2 1 RELAY DRIVE Q603 3 2 ERROR AMP Q609 ­IN A (X) +IN A (X) +IN B (Y) ­IN B (Y) STBY OUT A (X) 7V 2 IC610 3.3V REG 4 XDC YDC 3.3V REFDC 4 3 2 10 DGC SW Vcc 3 OUT 5 IC608

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