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Now downloading free:JUKI LK1900

JUKI LK1900 free download

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File name:LK_1910_20_30.pdf
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Model:LK1900 🔎
Original:MC590 🔎
Descr:I Need circut digram for model mc590 control box using industrial seweing machines,some having this pls send my mail [email protected]
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File name LK_1910_20_30.pdf

Computer-controlled, High-speed Shape-tacking Machine [Sewing area: 60mm (L) 100mm (W)] LK-1910 LK-1920 (With an intermediate presser) LK-1930 (With an intermediate presser and input function) Every product in the LK lineup is provided with high-speed sewing capability and advanced features q LK-1910 (Table stand is optionally available.) q LK-1920 (Table stand is optionally available.) q LK-1930 (Table stand is optionally available.) The machine runs at a sewing speed of 2,500rpm ญญญญ Faster than any other shape-tacking machine anywhere in the world. In addition, the machine is fully equipped with state-of-the- art features such as a higher presser foot lift, a double-capacity shuttle hook, and a direct- control machine head that ensures quick response and an accurate stop position. The top model in the LK series, the LK-1930 is JUKI's first shape-tacking machine to incorporate a main unit input function equivalent to that equipped in our automatic sewing machines. These rich features support the machine's high-speed sewing performance and increased productivity. With its large sewing area that matches a wider range of use, its hand pulley, and its highly operable and easy-to-understand operation panel, the machine delivers to the user dramatically improved operability. The LK-1910 Series shape tacking lineup is on the cutting edge ญญญญ a pioneer in a new era of shape tacking. LK-1910S (Standard) LK-1920S (Standard) LK-1920H (For heavy-weight materials) HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY EXCELLENT SEWING CAPABILITIES The machine achieves a The machine can use a wider range of thread Fewer bobbin thread changes. maximum-grade sewing counts than conventional machines. speed of 2,500rpm. Equipped as standard with a double- With this feature, the LK Series models provide The machine can shape tack capacity shuttle hook that reduces upgraded sewing capabilities such as improved at a maximum sewing speed the frequency of bobbin thread responsiveness to heavy-weight materials. Select of 2,500rpm, dramatically changes, the machine spares you either the S type (standard type) or H type (for reducing the cycle time. troublesome bobbin thread works. heavy-weight materials) to suit the use of your This is a particularly great help when machine. sewing with lower-count threads. IMPROVED RESPONSIVENESS AND OPERABILITY

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