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File name LA1835 - Electronic Tuning.pdf

Ordering number : EN4159B Monolithic Linear IC LA1835 Home Stereo Single-Chip Tuner IC with Electronic Tuning Support Overview The LA1835 is an AM, FM IF and MPX single-chip tuner IC that supports electronic tuning. It was developed specifically for use in home stereo products and is optimal for products with auto-seek systems, since it combines SD and IF counting in its auto-seek implementation. Furthermore, since the FM detector and MPX VCO circuits are adjustment free, adoption of the LA1835 can reduce the number of adjustment steps in the production line. · Support for AM low band cut control · Adjustable AM stop sensitivity Package Dimensions unit: mm 3196-DIP30SD [LA1835] Functions · AM: RF amplifier, mixer, oscillator (with ALC), IF amplifier, detector, AGC, oscillator buffer, tuning indicator (narrow-band SD), IF buffer output, stereo IF output · FM IF: IF amplifier, quadrature detector, band muting, tuning indicator, IF buffer output, S-meter · MPX: PLL stereo decoder, stereo indicator, forced mono, VCO stop function, adjacent channel interference rejection function (114 kHz), postamplifier with muting function SANYO: DIP30SD Features · Significant reduction in the number of manufacturing adjustment steps FM detector: Adjustment free (using a ceramic discriminator) MPX VCO: Adjustment free (using a ceramic resonator) · Tuning indicator output provided. (This pin can also be used as a narrow band stop signal and as a muting drive output.) · Adjustable FM stop sensitivity and bandwidth · Built-in AM local oscillator buffer Any and all SANYO products described or contained herein do not have specifications that can handle applications that require extremely high levels of reliability, such as life-support systems, aircraft's control systems, or other applications whose failure can be reasonably expected to result in serious physical and/or material damage. Consult with your SANYO representative nearest you before using any SANYO products described or contained herein in such applications. SANYO assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all SANYO products described or contained herein. SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN 11795TH (OT) No. 4159-1/14 LA1835 Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Maximum supply voltage Allowable power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCC max Pd max Topr Tstg Ta 70°C Conditions Ratings 9.0 550 ­20 to +70 ­40 to +125 Unit V mA °C °C Operating Conditions at Ta = 25°C Parameter Recommended supply voltage Operating supply voltage Symbol VCC VCC op Conditions Ratings 7.0 6.5 to 8.5 Unit V V Operating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 7.0 V, in the s

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