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XRF NEW Basic XRF and SuperQ Software Course This Basic XRF course (5 days) is targeted towards starters and new PANalytical XRF users. It also forms a refresher for users with a few years of experience in XRF. Practical sessions form an important part of this Basic XRF course. Fundamental and practical aspects of SuperQ for sequential XRF systems are treated. Emphasis is placed on the daily use of SuperQ and the IQ+ software. Practical aspects of parameter selection, matrix effects, sample preparation, quantitative analysis, standardless analysis, calibration and calibration update, monitor correction and results evaluation are dealt with. The course is composed of lectures and practical sessions using the currently in our application laboratory available spectrometers. After participating the Basic XRF course the user is capable of using the SuperQ software for daily use, data evaluation, maintenance of calibrations and has the knowledge to set-up simple applications For system owners the (10 days) XRF course for sequential systems is recommended. Although many subjects are the same the (5 days) advanced course is targeted at a more experienced audience. Prerequisites This course is intended for participants who have a basic knowledge of XRF and want to concentrate on the practical use of PANalytical's XRF spectrometers and getting familiar with the SuperQ software. Greatest benefits can be derived from the course after the instrument has been installed at the user site and the participant has had an opportunity to become acquainted with the XRF spectrometer and software. It is therefore recommended that the course should be attended after installation rather than before. A good working knowledge of the English language is required. Basic knowledge of the operation of MS Windows® based software packages is required. Course contents · Introduction SuperQ and IQ+ software · Matrix effects · Qualitative & Quantitative analysis · Sample preparation · Standardless analysis · Sources of error · Drift correction Spectrometer Axios, MagiX, MagiX PRO, PW2404, PW2400, X'Unique, X'Unique II, PW1480, PW1404, MagiX FAST, PW2606, PW2600, CubiX XRF Course duration 5 days, the course starts on Monday (10:00 a.m.) and continues until Friday (4:00 p.m.) Total number of participants Minimum number of participants: 6 Maximum number of participants: 12 Each participant of an XRF training course receives a Tutorware CD free of charge. Tutorware is training in the form of a software program, which guides the user through the principles of the XRF technology. Graphics, animations and simulations make it interesting and easy to follow. The course consists of a number of modules, which cover all aspects from introduction to X-rays to the basic operating principles of X-ray analysis, whereby each module can be started-up independently. An ideal help to learn, refresh and stay up-to-date. At the Almelo application facilities courses are given in English. Courses in Ge

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