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AIWA TSW37 free download

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File name:AIWA.TSW
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Size:1094 kB
Model:TSW37 🔎
Original:546JH9653 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Power Subwoofer
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name AIWA.TSW 37.pdf

TS-W37 U EZ HR SERVICE MANUAL POWERD SUBWOOFER S/M Code No. 09-003-342-3N1 DA TA SPECIFICATIONS Input terminals Input sensitivity/Impedance Output terminals Power output INPUT 1 jack INPUT 2 terminals INPUT 1: 0.2 V/50 kiro ohms (at 60 Hz) INPUT 2: 2 V/4.4 kiro ohms (L and R) (at 60 Hz) SPEAKERS OUT terminals 32 W (50 Hz to 120 Hz, T.H.D. less than 1%, 8 ohms) 40 W (8 ohms, T.H.D. 10% at 60 Hz) 32 W (8 ohms, T.H.D. 1% at 60 Hz) 40 W (8 ohms, T.H.D. 10% at 60 Hz) 45 Hz - 200 Hz Bass reflex type 13 cm (51/8 in.) (Magnetically shielded type) AC 120 V, 60 Hz AC 230 V, 50 Hz
AC 120 V/220 V - 240 V switchable, 50/60 Hz 30 W 48 W 160 x 233 x 376 mm (W x H x D) (63/8 x 91/8 x 147/8 in.) 5.8 kg (12 lbs 13 oz.) Frequency response Speaker type Speaker unit Power requirement Power consumption Dimensions Weight · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. ACCESSORIES LIST REF. NO 1 1 1 2 3 PART NO. 8A-YP5-901-010 8A-YP5-903-010 8A-YP5-906-010 87-YP3-632-010 87-099-789-010 KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION ! IB,H(ECA)D
2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST CHIP RESISTOR PART CODE Chip Resistor Part Coding REF. NO TRANSISTOR 87-A30-127-010 87-A30-126-010 87-A30-091-080 87-026-609-080 87-026-610-080 87-A30-087-080 87-026-269-080 89-322-405-080 DIODE 8Z-YP2-618-010 87-020-465-080 87-A40-349-080 MAIN C.B C1 C2 C3 C104 C105 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C301 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C401 C402 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C416 CN104 CN301 CNA101 J401 J402 J403 R223 R224 S201 S301 87-010-178-080 87-010-178-080 87-010-805-080 87-016-539-090 87-016-539-090 87-010-246-080 87-010-246-080 87-010-384-080 87-010-384-080 87-010-384-080 87-010-384-080 87-012-156-080 87-012-156-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-406-080 87-010-406-080 87-010-401-080 87-010-544-080 87-010-383-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-544-080 87-010-404-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-401-080 87-010-385-080 87-010-401-080 87-010-385-080 87-010-385-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-404-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-402-010 87-010-401-080 87-010-384-080 87-010-402-010 87-009-033-010 87-099-043-010 8A-YP5-610-010 87-099-801-010 87-A60-356-010 87-A60-356-010 8Z-YP2-613-080 8Z-YP2-613-080 8A-YP5-616-010 86-SP2-633-010 C-CAP,S 1000P C-CAP,S 1000P C-CAP,1-16 CAP,E 3300-35 SMG CAP,E 3300-35 SMG CAP, CAP, CAP, CAP, CAP, ELECT ELECT ELECT ELECT ELECT 47-35V 47-35V 100-25V 100-25V 100-25V 151-540235,DIODE 1N5402 LT DIODE,1SS133 (110MA) ZENER,HTZJ7.5C TR,2SD2478 TR,2SB1616 FET,2SJ460 TR,KTA1266GR TR,KTC3198GR C-FET,2SK2158 TR,DTA114ES TR,2SC2240GR PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO S401 FRONT C.B CN105 D301 VR401 TRANS C.B C101 C102 C103 CN101 CN102 !CN106 !F101 !F101 !FC101 !FC102 !PR101 !PR102 !PT101 !PT101

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