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Now downloading free:Biema W110

Biema W110 free download

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File name:Biema W110 (Schematic).rar
[preview W110]
Size:187 kB
Model:W110 🔎
Original:W110 🔎
Descr:Schematic for the power amplifier Biema W110.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Biema W110 (Schematic).pdf

1 2 3 4 FU AC IN B1 AC GND 6800uF/63V GND -V OUT -63V C305 FU 6800uF/63V -63V GND 45V 10A/250V GND 45V AC AC IN + 115V U1 10A/250V C306 35A/1KV +63V +63V +V OUT D D CN307 AC IN N SW2 115V/230V 115V/230V INPUT 50Hz/60Hz SW1 POWER 115V 1 AC22V 2 2P3.96VH D113 D114 1N4004X4 2P3.96VH 2 CN108 C122 1000uF/35V 1 2 2P2.5XH GND 2 +24V R175 JK100 DC24V 4148 T126 C1815 JK ACH OUT R153 2 1 4R7/1W C119 104 R152 10/5W CK2 GND 1 2 1 TK1 TK-OFF t Title GND PROT LED Size A4 Date: File: 2 3 7-Oct-2003 E:\efile\W330\W110Pow.Sch Sheet of Drawn By: 4 Number OUT-B JACK L101 A-OUT TP1 CK1 PU6.35 JACK 1 2 OUT-B GND OUT2 2 +24V 1N4746 1N4746 DW DW R182 47/1W OUT1 B 10K D116 ACH OUT BCH OUT 1 2P2.5XH CN108 C 1 CN1 D112 D111 CN108 L FU1 CN305 C 5A/250V B-OUT A-OUT DT1012-2# R171 15K R171 15K R173 470K T124 T125 B C2240 C2240 C123 100uF/16V T127 C2240 CN108 2P2.5XH CN108 2P2.5XH Power LED LD GND R172 47K C124 R174 47K 100uF/25V JK R176 100K D117 R182 15V/0.5W 2 LD 1 A +24V 5K6/0.5W R177 T129 5K6/0.5W C1815 CN108 1 CN108 2 W110Power.Sch Revision A 2P2.5XH 2P2.5XH 1 1 6 2 3 4 5 CK100A JACK6.35M T122 R169 LD 220K CLIP LED T123 C1815 56K R170 2N5401 D Mf-MF-M-01(CHA)/Amp Mf-MF-M-01(CHB)/Amp CHB THE SAME AS CHA +VCC PAD PAD C114 101 RB7 2.2/0.5W RB8 2.2/0.5W D109 1N4004 T108 C2073 T111 C5198 R138 47/1W R132 100 0.5/5W T120 T121 R159 910 R165 910 100n/100V C121 R139 47/1W T109 A940 GND R135 100 R152 0.5/5W T116 A1941 RB4 C115 C127 100uF/100V 101 2.2/0.5W RB3 2.2/0.5W R136 100 R157 0.5/5W T117 A1941 D110 1N4004 : 0.25W D GND R126 3K3 R168 15K T105 C112 B649 C113 C108 2N5551 1N4148 R125 33K C111 R128 R133 10K/1W R137 220 D108 VR103 331 1N4148 T106 D669 R130 22K GND D103 15K 15V/0.5W R150 C118 100uF/16V C117 10P HGND R151 1K 51K 100 R131 R135 R134 100 D104 1N4148 T103 2N5551 47uF/35V A1015 D669A 100 100 R129 C116 C1815 221 GND T107 10uF/35V T101 2N5551 R136 100n/100V 1K D106 C120 T102 22P 22P B649 GND 3K3 100/1W T104 R127 R132 R* 5K6/0.5W C126 100uF/100V RCA RCA 1 JK102 G 2 1 2 3 R122 T112 C5198 R150 R133 100 0.5/5W C PAD PAD R153 4K7 CK100B JACK6.35M VR102 A50K C CN108 1 2 3 3P2.5XH R121 4K7 GND B CH SW1 PAD -VCC D105 D107 1N4148 1N4148 PAD B LIMITER B PGND GND GND A Title Size B Date: File: 3 4 5 7-Oct-2003 E:\efile\W330\W110Amp.Sch Sheet of Drawn By: 6 Number A W110Amp.Sch Revision 1 2

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