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File name 01_Cover.pdf

DVD RECEIVER AMP HT-DS700 HT-DS760(T) HT-DS900 HT-DS1750 HT-DS1870 SERVICE DVD RECEIVER AMP SYSTEM Manual CONTENTS 1. Alignment and Adjustments 2. Exploded Views and Parts List 3. Electrical Parts List 4. Block Diagrams 5. Wiring Diagram 6. Schematic Diagrams 7. IC Block Diagrams 8. Troubleshooting - Confidential - ELECTRONICS © Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. JUNE. 2004 Printed in Korea Code no. AH68-01599A
File name 02_Alignment & Adjustment.pdf

1. Alignment and Adjustments 1. Tuner FM THD Adjustment SSG FREQ. Adjustment point (FM DET) Output 98 MHz FM DETECTOR COIL 60 dB Output GND FM S.S.G FM Antenna SET Terminal Input Speaker Terminal output Oscilloscope Input Distortion Meter Minumum Distortion (0.4% below) (Figure 1-1) Figure1-1 IF CENTER and THD Adjustment * Adjustment Location of Tuner PACK FM Search Level Adjustment SSG FREQ. Adjustment point (SVR1) Output 98 MHz BEACON SENSITIVITY SEMI-VR(20K) 28 dB(±2dB) 28 dB FM Antenna SET FM S.S.G GND FM IN 10 k Adjust SVR1 so that "TUNED" of FLT is lighted (Figure 1-2) *Adjust FM S.S.G level to 28dB Figure1-2 FM Auto Search Level Adjustment * AM, LW, SW Band : No Adjustment point Samsung Electronics 1-1
File name 03_Exploded View & Parts List.pdf

2.Exploded Views and Parts List 2-1 Total Exploded View 2-1 Samsung Electronics * Parts List of Total Exploded view No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Code No. AH64-02565B AH64-02561A AH61-01404A AH61-01325A AH64-02587A AH64-02562A AH67-00228A AH64-02567B AH64-02586E AH64-02583B AH73-00005A AH64-02582B AH64-02843C AH64-02843E AH64-02563B AH61-01405A AH61-01453A AH64-02585B AH64-02584B AH61-00774A AH64-02844A AH61-01355A AH61-01580A AH61-01628A AH61-40014A AH63-00733A AH61-01579A AH62-00126A AH62-00125A AH64-02845D AH64-01588B Description WINDOW-CD DOOR-CD HOLDER-DOOR SPRING-DOOR WINDOW-VFD KNOB-VOLUME LENS-VOLUME DECO-VOLUME WINDOW-PHONES DECO-FRONT CUSHION-FOOT DECO-PANEL CABINET-FRONT CABINET-FRONT KNOB-FUNCTION HOLDER-VFD BRACKET-FRONT DECO-BOTTOM-L DECO-BOTTOM-R HOLDER-PCB CABINET-BOTTOM BRACKET-TUNER HOLDER-ANINET BRKT-GND,ANYNET SUPPORT-RIVET SHEET-SMPS HOLDER-HEATSINK INSULATION-RUBBER HEAT-SINK CABINET-REAR CABINET-TOP Specification ACRYL 2.0T ABS BLK ABS BLK SUS304 ACRYL 2.0T ABS PLATE PMMA MILKY ABS GRAY ACRYL 2.0T ABS BLK EVA 2.0T ABS BLK MIPS GRAY MIPS GRAY ABS GRAY ABS BLK SECC 0.8T ABS BLK ABS BLK ABS GRAY SECC 0.8T SECC 1.0T ABS PBS 0.3T PP BLACK PC 0.5T ABS+GP30% GAP PAD 1.0T AL SECC 0.6T SECC 0.6T Q'ty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 HT-DS700 HT-DS900 REMARK No. E F G H Code No. 6003-000398 6003-001232 6003-001464 6003-000283 Description SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE Specification BH 3*6 YEL BH 3*8 BLK BH 3*10 SIL BH 3*8 YEL Q'ty 17 6 21 6 REMARK A B C D 6003-001496 6001-001744 6002-000126 6003-000276 SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE SCREW-TAPTITE BWH 2.5*6, YEL RH 2.6*8 YEL FH 3*8 BLK BH 3*10 YEL 2 1 2 19 Samsung Electronics 2-2 2-2 DVD MECHA Exploded View and Parts list No. Code No. Description ; Specification AH59-01153A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AH61-01293A AH63-00535A AH66-00214A AH66-00215A AH66-00216A AH66-00217A AH61-01295A AH63-00536A AH66-00218A AH61-01296A AH31-00030B AH41-00560A AH66-00219A 3409-001119 AH59-01184A 6001-001257 AJ60-10001A 6003-000152 AH73-00058A 0205-001106 0205-001109 6003-000283 AH02-00038A 3809-001451 3302-001505 AH30-00055A AH39-00495A AH39-00496A DECK-MECHA ASS'Y BASE-MAIN TRAY-DISC LEVER-LIFT PULLEY-MOTOR GEAR-PULLEY GEAR-TRAY CLAMPER-BRKT CLAMPER-MOLD SLIDE-CAM HOLDER-BRACKET MOTOR-DC PCB-SWITCH BELT-PULLEY SWITCH-DETECTOR DVD-DECK ASSY SCREW-MACHINE SCREW-TAP SCREW-TAP RUBBER-CD GREASE GREASE SCREW TAPE CABLE-FLAT MAGNET CHUCK PICK-UP WIRE-HARNESS WIRE-HARNESS CMS-SD100 ABS BLK ABS D/GRAY ABS+GF20% POM WHT TPE WHT POM WHT SECC t0.8 POM WHT PC WHT SECC t0.8 RF-300E-1D390 43.5 * 32.5 CR 1.2 JDS2200 CMS-S51PG4 1.7*3(W4.5) WASHER 6.8 2*10.12 SILICON 30 GX-99004 DM-523 TAP 3*8 10mm*80mm 60mm 24P 190 gf 4P.JST UL1007,#28,70mm UL1007,#28,65mm 2-3 Samsung Electronics 2-3 SPEAKER Composite View 2-3-1 HT-DS700 * CAUTION : The
File name 04_Electrical Parts List.pdf

*S.N.A. : Service Not Available 3. Electrical Parts List Location no. Code no. Description & Specification Remarks Location no. PR24 PR23 MR90 MR68 MR2 DR64 DR63 DR56 AR24 MR89 MR82 MR81 MR80 MR8 MR79 PR19 VR18 VR19 VR2 VR3 VR7 VR8 VR9 VR17 R105 R106 R107 VR1 VR12 VR13 VR14 PR1 PR18 R55 RR32 RR34 RR35 RR37 MR50 DR28 DR35 DR38 MR49 MR3 MR1 AR25 MR17 MR16 MR11 MR10 DR20 R49 R50 RR1 RR2 DR44 DR59 MR94 R48 MR44 MR43 MR40 MR39 MR33 MR18 DR58 RR26 RR30 RR33 DR12 DR13 DR14 DR16 DR42 DR43 RR8 DR18 MR21 DR55 DR54 DR5 DR51 RR42 RR43 DR15 DR19 DR36 DR37 MR19 Code no. Description & Specification Remarks R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;220ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;470ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;2.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;3.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;3.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;3.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;3.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;3.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;6.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;6.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;6.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;6.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;12Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP;12Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 R-CHIP
File name 05_Block Diagram.pdf

4. Block Diagram 4-1 MAIN Part Samsung Electronics 4-1 4-2 DVD Part 4-2 Samsung Electronics
File name 06_Wiring Diagram.pdf

5. Wiring Diagram Samsung Electronics 5-1
File name 07_Schematic Diagrams.pdf

6. Schematic Diagram 6-1-1 MAIN (RCA) - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 6-1 Samsung Electronics 6-1-2 MAIN (SCART) - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - Samsung Electronics 6-2 6-2 FRONT - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 6-3 Samsung Electronics 6-3 AMP - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - Samsung Electronics 6-4 6-4 MICOM FRONT - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 6-5 Samsung Electronics 6-5 TUNER - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - Samsung Electronics 6-6 6-6 DVD PACK - This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization - 6-7 Samsung Electronics
File name 08_IC Block Diagrams.pdf

7. IC Block Diagrams 7-1 Main 7-1-1. FAN8082 Samsung Electronics 7-1 7-1-2. MAX232 7-2 Samsung Electronics 7-1-3. TAS5121 Samsung Electronics 7-3 7-1-4. S5G5128A 7-4 Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics 7-5 7-1-5. PS9818 7-1-6. WM8775 7-6 Samsung Electronics 7-2 DVD 7-2-1. A29L160 7-2-2. ESMT_M12L128168A Samsung Electronics 7-7 7-2-3. 74HCT245 7-2-4. S524C20D21_20D41 7-8 Samsung Electronics 7-2-5. STM_74LCX157 7-2-6. STM_74LCX244 Samsung Electronics 7-9 8-2-7. STM_74LCX374 7-10 Samsung Electronics 7-3 MICOM PORT ASSIGNMENT Samsung Electronics 7-11
File name 09_Troubleshooting.pdf

8. TroubleShooting 8-1 Main 8-1 Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics 8-2 8-2 DVD SERVO parts 8-3 Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics 8-4 8-5 Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics 8-6 8-7 Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics 8-8 8-9 Samsung Electronics 8-3 DVD MPEG Parts Samsung Electronics 8-10 8-11 Samsung Electronics

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