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1/2 Service Technical Information MODEL NO. NSX -S888 / S999 / S989 / S898 / A888 / A999 SUBJECT Modify sound quality REF.No. :G - 99 - 046 - E0 DATE :01. NOV. 1999 The models in question may receive customer complaints such as "bass sound is too strong," or "sound lacks sharpness." Take the following steps to improve the sound quality. Perform the following modifications on the MAIN C.B. circuit: 1. Change values of C614 capacitor 3.Replace R635 from 0.1 microfarad to 0.33 microfarad. 180K 100K 2. Add R695 and R696 10K resistors between "+" terminal of C451/C452 and 2.Add R695 10K C451 36 35 34 IC601pin 16. Note: Use CUSH-S,PWB to avoid 1.Replace C614 contacts with other components. 0.1 0.33 IC601 16 3. Change values of R635 and R636 resistors from 180K to 100K . 15 13 14 2.Add R696 10K 3.Replace R636 180K 100K C452 4. Change values of C451 and C452 capacitors from 1 microfarad/50V to 0.47 microfarad/50V. 5. Change values of capacitors C471 and C472 from 0.33 microfarad/50V to 0.22 microfarad/50V. 4.Replace C451 1/50 0.47/50 + + C453 R459 R453 IC451 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + 5.Replace C471 0.33/50 0.22/50 + + C454 R456 R454 R460 R474 + 5.Replace C472 0.33/50 0.22/50 4.Replace C452 1/50 0.47/50 Ref. - G - R - Parts Code SV- T00- 084- 010 Code No. - Description KIT,NSX(G- 99- 046) Access Code - Modified Ser. No. S04PM9710001 Remarks - Parts Schedule 5.Nov.1999 2/2 3.Replace R635 / R636 180K 100K 1.Replace C614 0.1 0.33 MAIN C.B 5.Replace C471 / C472 0.33/50 0.22/50 2.Add R695 / R696 10K 4.Replace C451 / C452 1/50 0.47/50 Add CUSH-S,PWB Application to production: Production from May 1999 through June 1999: Production from July 1999 and after: Steps 1 and 2 have been performed. Steps 1 through 5 have been performed. The modification changes the f0 value of T-BASS from 60 Hz to 75 Hz, and changes the f0 value of Low Amp from 75 Hz to 100 Hz.

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