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File name:MT6218_schematics.pdf
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Original:MT6218 🔎
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1 2 3 4 5 J101 VDD MIRQ_CAMERAINT EINT0_USB EINT1_CHARGER EINT2_CLAMSHELL EINT3_HEADSET TF_CLK TF_DAT3 TF_DAT2 TF_DAT1 TF_DAT0 TF_CMD USB_DM USB_DP /WATCHDOG P19 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 M16 M17 M18 V2 W1 U3 V1 R17 R5 D15 R18 P16 P17 R16 R15 T19 T17 U19 U18 V18 W19 U17 V17 W17 T16 W16 T15 U15 V15 U101A K3 K4 J3 J2 J1 R3 R2 T4 ED[0..15] ED0 ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 ED5 ED6 ED7 ED8 ED9 ED10 ED11 ED12 ED13 ED14 ED15 GPIO20_/MAIN_RST GPIO19_LSCE0 GPIO16_LCDSUB_SCL GPIO17_LCDSUB_A0 GPIO18_LCDSUB_SDA PWM1_GPIO21_VIB_EN PWM2_GPIO22_LCDBKL KP_BL_PWM 5 6 7 8 VDD 8 7 6 5 MIRQ_CAMERAINT CAMERA_INT GPIO9_CAMERA_READY 1 2 3 CON3_3 RN101 4*100K 1 2 3 4 GPO2_OP_EN A D103 EINT3_HEADSET 1 RB751S-40 2 IBOOT TESTMODE HEADSET_SW GPIO8_CLK32K GPIO12_CAMERA_13M RN102 4*100K 4 3 2 1 R102 100K R112 R111 0 nc 0 CAMERA_CLK A LSCE1B/GPIO20/LPCE2B LSCE0B/GPIO19 LSCK/GPIO16/TBTXEN LSA0/GPIO17/TDTIRQ LSDA/GPIO18 PWM1/GPIO21 PWM2/GPIO22/DSP_GPO ALERTER/GPIO23/DSP_GPO MCCM0 MCDA0 MCDA1 MCDA2 MCDA3 MCCK MCPWRON MCWP/GPIO15 MCINS/GPIO14 EINT3 EINT2 EINT1 EINT0 MFIQ/GPIO42 MIRQ/GPIO41 ESDM_CK /WATCHDOG USB_DP USB_DM ED0 ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 ED5 ED6 ED7 ED8 ED9 ED10 ED11 ED12 ED13 ED14 ED15 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO3_LCMLDO_EN R104 X101 GPIO5_RLED_EN GPIO6_GLED_EN GPIO7_BLED_EN GPIO8_CLK32K Xtal 32K GPIO9_CAMERA_READY nc 26Mz BBWAKEUP TESTMODE TP101 TP102 TP103 TP104 TP105 TP106 High driving BPI port: 4mA/8mA High driving BPI port: 4mA/8mA U2 M19 L15 L16 C17 A19 B18 B17 A18 A17 A2 B1 C2 C1 D3 E4 E3 E2 E1 F5 F4 F3 F2 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 H5 H4 H3 H1 J5 J4 L18 L17 K15 K16 K17 GPIO0/DSP_GPO3 GPIO1/DICK GPIO2/DID GPIO3/DIMS GPIO4/DSP_CLK/DSPLCK/TRASD4 GPIO5/AHB_CLK/DSPLD3/TRASD3 GPIO6/ARM_CLK/DSPLD2/TRASD2 GPIO7/SLOW_CLK/DSPLD1/TRASD1 GPIO8/DSPLD0/TRASD0 GPIO9 SYSCLK XOUT XIN BBWAKEUP TESTMODE /JTRST JTCK JTDI JTMS JTDO JRTCK BPI_BUS0[HIGH DRIVING] BPI_BUS1[HIGH DRIVING] BPI_BUS2[HIGH DRIVING] BPI_BUS3 BPI_BUS4 BPI_BUS5 BPI_BUS6/GPIO10 BPI_BUS7/GPIO11 BPI_BUS8/GPIO12 BPI_BUS9/GPIO13/BSI_CS1 BSI_CS0 BSI_DATA BSI_CLK LWRB LPA0 LRDB LRSTB LPCE0B LPCE1B/GPIO24/DSP_TID0/MCU_TID0 SIMRST SIMCLK SIMVCC SIMSEL/GPIO32 SIMDATA KROW0 KROW1 KROW2 KROW3 KROW4 KROW5 KCOL0 KCOL1 KCOL2 KCOL3 KCOL4 KCOL5 KCOL6 D19 D16 E18 E17 E16 F19 F18 F17 F16 F15 G19 G18 G17 M5 M4 M3 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 R4 G16 G15 H17 J19 J18 H15 H16 J17 J16 K19 K18 E5 D17 D18 C19 C18 B19 Nand flash data port 7 Nand flash data port 6 Nand flash data port 5 Nand flash data port 4 Nand flash data port 3 Nand flash data port 2 Nand flash data port 1 Nand flash data port 0 Nand flash ready/busy status input Nand flash command latch enable output Nand flash address latch enable output Nand flash write enable output Nand flash read enable output Nand flash chip enable output NLD7 NLD6 NLD5 NLD4 NLD3 NLD2 NLD1 NLD0 NRNB NCLE NALE NWEB NREB NCEB KROW0 KROW1 KROW2 KROW3 KROW4 KROW5 KCOL0 KCOL1 KCOL2 KCOL3 KCOL6 J103 /ECS3 /LCDSUB_CS GPIO19_LSCE0 1 2 3 CON3_3 B C101 22pF C102 22pF HB_TX LB_TX PA_EN BANDSW_DCS R108 GPIO12_CAMERA_13M RFVC

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