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Now downloading free:KYMCO Agility 125 cc

KYMCO Agility 125 cc free download

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File name:Kymco Agility 125 R16 - Service Manual [03] [Inspection - Adjustment] by salvacolnome.pdf
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Size:2333 kB
Model:Agility 125 cc 🔎
Descr:Service manual [part 3] Inspection/Adjustment [pag. 14]
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Kymco Agility 125 R16 - Service Manual [03] [Inspection - Adjustment] by salvacolnome.pdf

AGILITY CITY 125 PREFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS This Service Manual describes the GENERAL INFORMATION 1 technical features and servicing procedures for the KYMCO AGILITY FRAME COVERS/EXHAUST MUFFLER 2 CITY 125 INSPECTION/ADJUSTMENT 3 LUBRICATION SYSTEM 4 Section 1 contains the precautions for all operations stated in this manual. Read FUEL SYSTEM 5 ENGINE them carefully before starting any ENGINE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION 6 operation. CYLINDER HEAD/VALVES 7 Section 2 is the removal/installation CYLINDER/PISTON 8 procedures for the frame covers which DRIVE AND DRIVEN PULLEYS/KICK are subject to higher removal/installation STARTER 9 frequency during maintenance and FINAL REDUCTION 10 servicing operations. CRANKCASE/CRANKSHAFT 11 CHASSIS Section 3 describes the inspection/ FRONT WHEEL/FRONT BRAKE/ 12 adjustment procedures, safety rules and FRONT SUSPENSION service information for each part, starting REAR WHEEL /REAR BRAKE /REAR 13 from periodic maintenance. SUSPENSION BATTERY/CHARGING SYSTEM/A.C. 14 EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL GENERATOR Sections 6 through 17 give instructions for disassembly, assembly and inspection IGNITION SYSTEM 15 of engine, chassis frame and electrical STARTING SYSTEM 16 equipment. LIGHTS/INSTRUMENTS/SWITCHES 17 Most sections start with an assembly or EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL 18 system illustration and troubleshooting SYSTEM for the section. The subsequent pages give detailed procedures for the section. Our company reserves the right to make any alteration in the design The information and contents included in this manual may be different from the motorcycle in case specifications are changed. KWANG YANG MOTOR CO., LTD. OVERSEAS SALES DEPARTMENT OVERSEAS SERVICE SECTION 3. INSPECTION/A

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