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Singer 2802/2852 free download

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File name:household_sewing_®_.pdf
[preview 2802/2852]
Size:1427 kB
Model:2802/2852 🔎
Original:358487-001 Mar./2005 [by salvacolnome] 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Household sewing machine mod. 2808/2858, 2809/2859, 2818/2868 [pag. 114]
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Service Manual Household Sewing Machine 2802/2852 2808/2858 2809/2859 2818/2868 THE SINGER COMPANY 2005 SINGER BRASIL SEWING MACHINE CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Registered Trademark "THE SINGER COMPANY LTD." Printed In Brazil 358487-001 Mar./2005 Service Manual Revisions Records Revision Description Approval and date Rev. no. 01 358487-001 Mar./2005 Service Manual This manual is designed for use by trained and qualified service persons. The SINGER COMPANY will not be responsible for any parts requiring replacement due to natural wear or to the abuse or negligence of its use or in the event the machine is serviced by other than a trained and qualified service person or even if replaced parts do not meet applicable specifications. Rev. no. 02 358487-001 Mar./2005 Service Manual General Information Scope This service manual describes all of the servicing procedures,including all adjustments and parts removal and replacement for the 2802/2852, 2808/2858, 2809/2859 and 2818/2868 models machine. Additional information covering any production changes, improvements or changes to parts will be made by issuing Singer service/parts bulletins. Machine Description lTubular and flat bed. lLightweight "Duratec" casting. lApollo sewing system. lElectronic triac foot speed controller. lNew "FT" fabric feed system. lVertical needle profile. lMotor concealed in bed. lHorizontal spool pin. lAuto declutching bobbin winding. lBobbin capacity of 41 m (45 yds) minimum. lUniversal presser bar pressure control. lMaximum stitch lenght 5 mm (5 s.p.i.). lSelf-threading take-up lever. lPush button instant reverse. lOne-way needle insertion. lDirect pattern selection. lBed length 380 mm. (14.96 inches) without cloth plate. lBed width 185 mm. (7.28 inches). lBed height 83 mm. (3.27 inches). lClearance under free arm 25,4 mm. (1.0 inch). lFree arm circunference 264 mm. (10.39 inches). lOverall height 310 mm. (12.20 inches). lWeight 7,0 kg. (15,3 lbs). Tool requirements l1/8" screwdriver l3/16" screwdriver l1/4" screwdriver lExtralong screwdriver (5,0 mm dia. x 380 mm long) lPhilips screwdriver l8 mm. open end wrench l10 mm. open end wrench lPliers lWire-cutter pliers lFeeler gauge GM8092 lFeeler gauge set. l1,5 mm Allen wrench lStraight tips external ring pliers (tip dia. 0,9 mm) "Duratec" Casting With the introduction of "Duratec", selfthreading screws have been used to mount many of the parts and assemblies to the structure. If is important that when replacing these screws, they be threaded into the original screw threads. The proper procedure for doing this is to insert the screw into the hole and turn the screw conterclockwise until the screw can be felt to "drop" in place. An audible "click" may also be herad. Once the screw is properly in place, it may then be tightened. Rev. no. 03 358487-001 Mar./2005 Service Manual Table of Contents Section 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parts removals and replacements...

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